BHO blaming Bush is getting old.

Any board libs going to take a stab at refuting the OP?
I've had two major business issues this week that are getting slowed tremendously by Obama administration policies. If anyone thinks he is not stifling business and killing jobs they're nuts.
1) Delay in purchasing a piece of property due to nonsensical rules from Dodd-Frank.
2) Delay in a visa extension for an existing employee because a need to give our "labor bargaining representative" proper notification. WTF?
Actually the're abandoning the "bush's fault" mantra he was spoon feeding his soft headed, intellectually incurious, borg base in favor of the "Republicans want you to die" protocol. Not sure if this is a great strategy since the emotion over intellect, numbskull constituency has been firmly in his camp all this time.

Behold the newest steaming pile passing itself off as political discourse. Despicable
Wait - I'm confused. I thought Romney did want all of the middle-classes to die. Actually I thought he wanted everyone but the evil wealthy to die. Are you trying to tell me that this is just hyperbole on the part of the libs? No way - they wouldn't stoop that low. Oh, well, never mind...?
The terms "liberal" and "conservative" have ceased to have meaning in American politics.

Anybody on this board who is supports Romney is a liberal.

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