Bevo vs UGA

As I think we all know, we saw an iconic moment last night. They’ll be talking about Bevo XV for decades, and showing that clip.

Don’t Mess With Texas just got a new face.
Too bad he didn't do that to Reveille!

Those farm boys may not know much, but they knew better than to get Reveille too close to Bevo.

Years ago, while UT was playing Baylor at DKR, the handlers of the BU mascot black bear let him get a little too close to Bevo. Old Bevo started to paw the ground and act agitated. I thought we were going to have a "bear and bull" fight right there in the stadium. The Baylor folks beat a hasty retreat.
I understood that someone was setting up a photo op with the two live mascots. Just what I heard, may or may not be the case.
Letting frats handle a steer is dumb. Anybody who grew up around cattle knows they don’t like dogs. And this steer has a history of being difficult to control. Get some rurals on the job or keep him in the trailer.
"While it appeared to many that Bevo was advancing aggressively toward Uga X, the steer's chief handler disputed that version of event
Silver Spur alumni association executive director Ricky Brennes, who is in charge of handling the 1,700-pound steer, said Bevo was simply agitated because he wanted to walk and was being restrained.

"He had kind of gone up and bumped the barricade a few times before," Brennes said. "He ran through the gate and into where Uga's area was. It really was more just unfortunate timing and he wasn't aware Georgia's mascot was there. It had nothing to do with the dog.
Texas athletics spokesman John Bianco said "all established safety and security measures were in place for Bevo" at the Sugar Bowl, including two halters, two chains and six handlers to hold him."
UT's Bevo Charges UGA's Uga Before Sugar Bowl

with coverage like this snowflakes will be demanding Bevo's demise.
Pictures I saw during the game showed an older gentleman standing with Bevo. No SS’s in the pic. Obviously a result of the pregame incident.
I like it. However, what are we to expect when we play LSU in the coming season. I mean, a Bulldog is one thing, but a Bengal Tiger is a whole other issue. I do, believe however, that XV is so full of youthful strength, piss and vinegar the may toss Mike The Tiger right out of the stadium. :-D
I write this from my New Orleans hotel room as I recover from an INCREDIBLE FEW DAYS here. I happened to be seated right over Bevo last night and I can tell you BEVO XV is Legit BEAST MODE! Our handlers didn’t just have to deal with UGA “incident” as he was clearly agitated most of the game! Someone clearly slipped something into his feed Those handkers did a GREAT JOB!!!
Is that LA with the hook'em at the tail end of the video? Was such a short camera shot...wasn't sure. Would make sense though...
It was a photo op set up by ESPN. As I've posted before, Bevo's pen was too small. At Memorial Stadium, he has room to move around; not so in NOLA.

When they put UGa in the golf cart to bring him across the field (they shared opposite sides of the same endzone), hords of photographers went running to Bevo's pen. What agitated Bevo?

1) pen was too small
2) 50 more or less cameras clicking
3) 100 people scrambling toward him
4) a rolling vehicle near his pen (cattle hate anything with wheels, including things as small as strollers)
5) a small animal invading "his space"

Any or all, the libtards at PETA can read Sam's wristband because they are the ones that keep him from being juiced or allowing the Spurs to use a cattle prod.
Uga went to the Sugar Bowl
And left his Bulldog hood
He saw Bevo standing swole
And realized things weren't so good
"I'm wearing red and he's so large"
Thought Uga deep inside.
Then out of nowhere Bevo charged
And Uga nearly died
Pictures I saw during the game showed an older gentleman standing with Bevo. No SS’s in the pic. Obviously a result of the pregame incident.

That was Sunrise Spur (aka Bevo XV) owner ... John T Baker ... who's donated the last three Bevos. (XIII to XV) So ... the group has some experience with this.

I won't take issue with Ricky's comment about Bevo's wanting to walk ... I wasn't there ... but this thread has a vid of UGA being at the panels in clear sight of Bevo ... I reckon he knew the dog was there.
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Letting frats handle a steer is dumb

The Silver Spurs are not your typical fraternity. The Bakers don't let "just anyone" handle their high dollar asset. I don't know the background of every Spur who grabs ahold of Bevo's lead, but knowing the Bakers a little bit (gracious, generous, attentive, competitive) from the TLBAA show circuit and my sons' own work with them at their ranch's annual showmanship clinic ...

The handlers were qualified and the steer is not hard to control ... as a three year old, he learned to follow his handlers through dry ice smoke into a screaming DKR. You don't do that with an ornery animal.
I think a people on here might take issue with "typical fraternity." Some of the sharpest people I knew in school were in fraternities.

The whole notion of categorizing seems foolish on here.
Yes ... I get chastised by my UT alum buddy who was in a frat every time I make an honest statement about 'em .... UT Alum buddy who's not a member of the Exes ...

It's almost like he has greater loyalty to his greek alphabet than his Alma Mater. Oh well. Different strokes, eh?

I never saw the advantage. My fraternity was prepping to fly, fight, win. What y'all called hazing we called a nuisance ... in pursuit of "military training."

not chest beating ... just stating that fact ... and my estimation of frats. Service organizations ... check. signed a blank check.

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