Best sausage ffrom the grocery store?


As you know, Kiolbassa is a family friend. I'm not really a fan of many of their products other than the Chorizo and Beef Jap. I think we office within a short distance of each other. Where do you find those products you recommend?
Nick, I have bought Slovacek sausage at the HEB at 1604/Blanco and Kountry Boys at the Sam's on 281/Bitters and at the Walmart at 1604/281. I'm pretty sure I have seen Praseks at the same HEB but can't say for sure. Maeker's has a store down the road from Patek's and they are pretty good too. The Link

I shop at the HEB in Victoria when I'm tending to cattle and they have Prasek's and Janek products. It seems most convenience stores in the Gulf coastal plains area seem to have Praseks. I have been picking up the Patek's at the Patek Market in Shiner.
There are some Pateks, Maekers, Praseks and Janeks in this little sausage fest. The crowd favorite out of this batch was the Pateks Pork & Beef w/Japs.

I've had Prasek's and Janek's and didn't think either were as good as Holmes, but to each his own.

Holmes is made out in SW Ft. Bend County, Czech country, and I believe the founder (several years ago, the son runs the business now) used Czech recipes/styles he learned.
Grilled some V&V yesterday out at Dell Diamond for our tailgate based on the recommendations on this board. First time I've tried it. We had some of the beef/pork and some of the jalapeno. The little extra bite in the jalapeno made it outstanding. I would have to give it a "thumbs up." Can't say that it's far superior to other brands mentioned, but I'll definitely buy it again.

Tough this morning, though, trying to figure out what to grill for breakfast before that loser's bracket noon game. Oh well, anything goes well with Bloody Marys.

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