Best Mexican Martinis in Austin?


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I just got back from Curras on Burnet, and they get my vote.

I was going to say Trudys until I ate (and drank) there tonight.
Cedar Door has been doing the best for a long, long time.

Cedar Door is tops. But, if you haven't been to Julios's on Duval and 43rd, you need to try their's. They are jsut as good as Cedar Door's, they are cheap, and they are strong. Food is pretty tasty too.
Cedar Door has some great ones, and Miguel's la Bodega used to be really good, too. It's been awhile since I was down there, though.
Try squeezing 1/2 a lime into your recipe. Makes it even better.

I'm gonna go ahead and give Cedar Door MM's a thumb down. Been there for a few mixers and it tastes watered down, and too sour to boot. Trudy's is still king.