Best Facilities in the Country Goes to Oregon

I like Texas' trophy room better than the ducks.
Somebody correct me if I am wrong, Texas is in the top 5 for marketing merchandise nationwide. I know that UNC is usually number 1. This tells me that people outside of Texas like Burnt Orange. Maybe I am wrong and all the sales are done in the state.
Man it's really hard for some of you guys to just admit that they have absurdly sick facilities.

It doesn't mean you love Texas any less or love the Texas facilities any less.
That locker room is amazing. That has to blow any other locker room in the country away. FYI, I really like Texas' locker room.

There is one problem with the Oregon locker room; it looks like it has lots of niches and corners. That's probably not as good for a team feeling. Maybe a mix of that with a big central area would be even better?
It has GOT to be the offseason if we're talking about nooks and crannies in somebody's locker room. of ANY kind...NOW!!!
High School Recruit: "So what does Texas have that can compete with Oregon's super-turbo-awesome nightclubesque facilities?"

Texas Recruiter: "6th Street"

HS Recruit: "Where do I sign?"