Best burger in DFW

I can't finish a Point Burger. Gotta get the Skinny Burger. Bailey's is good. I liked it better at it's old location (where Central Market is). The nachos there are solid.

Milo's used to make a mean burger. Haven't had it in a while. Scotty P's is a mini-chain in the burbs (Plano, McKinney, Frisco, Garland, etc.), but their chili-burger is the shiznit.

For you downtown Dallas workers, Woody's in the tunnel underneath Bank One rocks.

If y'all haven't had the burger at Lee Harvey's, do yourself a favor and try it. It is so damn good. Nothing like a cold Shiner Bock and a burger at Lee Harvey's while sitting out in the front yard, listening to some live music.

Star Telegram today has a feature article about burgers in FW. They list a couple of new places: Love Shack (owned by Tim Love of Lonesome Dove in the Stockyards) and Dutch's in TCU area developed by chef Grady Spears. Anyone tried either of these?
From what I remember when I was at Kinkaids (2-3 years ago), it was good, but I prefer a thick burgers not thin ones. Like Dirty's in austin is a good skinny burger, but a good thick burger is better.
I've been to Kincaid's a half-dozen times, maybe more, and I remember the burgers being on the thin side. Granted, those pictures make it look thicker but perhaps it's just the angle. I dunno.
Had a burger at Jake's the other day while in Dallas on business. Pretty darn good, two thin patties, two slices of cheese, nice poppyseed bun. I would definitely eat there again if in the vicinity, but it wasn't good enough that I'd go out of my way to eat there. Beer was cold. Onion rings sucked - tasted like their oil was old.
I just ate at Woody's per Jive's recommendation. It was a pretty tasty burger. I wouldn't drive downtown just to eat there, but it will definitely become part of the rotation.
Uptown. Haven't been to the Lakewood location, so have nothing to compare it to. It was good though. Actually, I don't think I've ever had another burger in Dallas, unless you count maybe a few in the Love Field Chili's while waiting for a flight home.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
Kincaids regular burger is an 8 ounce, thick patty. They do not have thin burgers on the menu. Even the kids/juniors size is a thick burger but just smaller in circumference
Another vote for Jakes.

I secretely like Goff's too...but the burger is pretty damn small.

Burger House ain't too shabby either if you get the fries to accompany it.
Burger Island on NW Highway in Garland >>>> these places. We even took the D magazine tour list to confirm this. Their Hawaiin Burger >> *.*
Ball's is really good. Perhaps the best burger, fries and onion rings combo in DFW. Kincaid's fries and onion rings suck *** but the burger is choice.
kincaids is pretty damn good, and they are most def not thin.

jakes is good too, love the tots.

I went to a place called moo-yah in plano/carollton off the tollway and was damn good, i want to go back. They just have burgers and fries...its supposed to be in and out-ish.
I had JG's tonight. That was pretty good. A fairly thin burger but really tasty. Fries were good as well. It is located off Greenville in between Forest Lane and 635. Really reminded me of a place from my old neighborhood in SE Dallas called Hamburger USA.
When it starts to cool down in the fall, hit Lee Harvey's for a burger. I'm telling you, it's greatness. Just too damn hot right now to sit outside.
I went to Fred's Texas Cafe yesterday and tried the cheeseburger. Pretty damn good but not at Kincaid's level.

Next stop will be the Love Shack in the Stockyards. I also hear that is a recent candidate for best burger in FW.
TornACL - keep us updated. I want to try both those places as well and have heard great things. I think Fred's was voted the last couple years to have the best burger by the FW Weekly. And a burger by Tim Love can't be bad.
Had Angry Dog yesterday. That is a pretty tasty burger. Not as good as Kincaid's but still pretty good. Have to try Lee Harvey's, Wingfield's and Bailey's to see how they measure to it.

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