Coopers (Llano)- Absolute favorite. A 5 pound smoked sirloin still medium rare.......DAMN. I spend about $75 on BBQ everytime I pass through there. Wife ******* mercilessly, but its worth it.
Salt Lick- Laugh all you want, but they do something right, I think it is their basting sauce. It rivals Coopers in the "olfactory delight" category when you drive up. Sauce is great, pork ribs are the best around, brisket has that perfect little red ring about 3/8" into the meat. I only eat the end pieces (the healthiest part...yeah right) of the brisket, cause its all-you-can-eat, and thats ALL I want to eat off of any brisket, I'm a rib man. Also don't go in the evening, have a 2 1/2 hour lunch once a week when the "family-style" is on $9.95.
Louis Mueller (Taylor)- Extremely high quality meat cuts. Simple salt and pepper seasoning isn't my fav, no a/c, but still a great experience.
John Mueller (Manor Rd.)- Call it blasphemy, call it no appreciation for the master, call it what you want, but John outdoes Louis. Slightly more dry rub, closer to Austin, free cheese, two kinds of sauces, I don't know what it is. Definately my choice of BBQ if I can't go to Driftwood or Llano.
Rudy's- Place I go to that is close to home. They do everything well, except sausage (I have found no decent sausage in all of Austin or Driftwood, maybe I just ain't a sausage kinda guy). Definately "sauce is boss." Second in sauce to Salt Lick.
County Line- Good quality BBQ, good sauce, but NOTHING stands out (well maybe beef ribs). Pricey, but you pay for the atmoshere.
Ben's Long Branch- As good as County Line for about 1/3 the price.
Artz Rib House- Only ate the "country-style" ribs. Absolute worst BBQ I've ever eaten (besides that aggie place in Salado). No rub AT ALL, sauce from a can (TexasUFO don't know **** from shineola). Only thing that made for a pleasant experience was getting to sit next to Jimmy Vaughn and discuss his soon embarking tour to Japan.
Places I haven't tried:
Rib place on Manchaca
a shitload of others......