best bathroom on campus


500+ Posts
My vote goes to the 6th floor of the business school. Somebody always leaves that days copy of the WSJ. The walls are made out of granite and the baby changing thing (the shelf) is good for keeping your stuff off the floor.
I never did it either. Until I started drinking coffee. If you drink it, you gotta know these things.

Bonus points to the 5th floor bathroom at the law library. After a long discussion re: Bush in Iraq someone wrote: "I thought there was supposed to be a poorly drawn ***** here?"
i was EE but studied alot in the petroleum engineering building (CPE). the 3rd floor had a good study lounge. but i would go to the 4th floor. it was empty. you could take a **** in piece. the 3rd floor shitter had alot of traffic but the 4th floor one you could spread out your paper. <G>

btw, what's up with single sex restrooms in some buildings. When I need to take a piss and I'm on the 3rd floor, why do you I have to go to the 2nd or 4th?
Well, I dunno about the best bathroom, but I can attest that the cruddiest one is at Memorial Stadium up behind section 1. That men's room (by the concession stand) reminds me of those nasty ones at the State Fair, or maybe some inner city gas station.
The new men's room in the Fine Arts building is really nice. It even has the motion lights that dim if nobody is in there awhile but click on when the door opens. I thought it was nice that someone besides the business and law vermin got nice facilities till I recalled that the Gallery is in there. Gotta make things look nice for when company drops by. But it is new and clean.
I bet the one in President Falukner's office is pretty damned nice. He probably spends alot of time in there since he is always so full of ****. F Faulkner.
I have always thought that people went in the aisles of the UGL. That is what it smells like sometimes.
Check out San Jacinto Dorm. Both floors (the one with the desk and the one below it with the cafe) have nice restrooms. They are usually pretty private since the residents have their own facilities in their rooms. Only thing that sucks is when the housekeeping people decide to give it a thorough cleaning, it takes them about 30-45 min. to do this.
My favorite is the 5th floor of the PCL. I go there at least 3 times a week. Usually clean but not too clean, and usually not too much traffic. Also, a library like that is awesome to **** in simply for the fact that you will never run out of reading material.
WTF is up with McCombs reconstruction? My 6th floor throne room has been under construction the entire semester. I have had to crap next to the 5th floor computer lab. How am I supposed to enjoy my Financial Times when the bathroom gets more dick than jenna jameson?
and the fifth floor bathroom by the elevators is shut down. I hate those small dirty ones like the one next to the computer lab
I'm with Nacho, when I was in school, the Dean's office of the College of Natural Sciences was centrally located next to the Tower (still is I believe) and the restroom had recently been renovated, it was a handicap bathroom with one toliet, always clean -- in fact spotless and the door locked... complete privacy!

Completely Awesome.