Best Apartment complex in Austin?

my oldest sister lives in Sonterra off of 620. all those complexes over there seem really nice and have great prices.

as for the mansion off od 620 near the mansfield damn...thats what "ranch" it's called?

that little road you drive on takes forever to get back there, i had my hair cut at their "spa" the other day. placed looked fuckin' awesome. looked like a place where millionares would buy an apt. UT golf course is over there too. the spa was very nice. and what's wrong with older ladies wantin' to get down and party? i'm sure there are plenty of milfs there.
ahh.....steiner ranch.

also i got my hair cut for free cuz i know two of the hair stylist. heh.

one of my sisters has a friend that lives in riata, says he likes it a lot. i'm just spoutin out crap, i dunno.
Of course, I know where ALL of the best properties in Austin are!!!
Horn From So Cal, google the Austin Police Department and do a crime statistics search, either by that ZIP code, which is 78741, or by individual properties themselves. Then compare those stats to an area like Far West, which is 78731. My opinion isn't as convincing as the actual stats are.
true, i did that by property or zip...either way i felt lucky to have left riverside without problems. only had my car keyed twice. a buddy of mine also had his car broken into. one other person had his car broken into oneday....taped up that window and then the next day the other window was broken.
Winstreak, I bet you are just as happy as I am to be off riverside. I hated that place and was so scared every night. I've never seen so many dirty old men before in my life than where I lived. I've never been so sexually harrassed in my life

Far West, West campus etc. anyway is a better college area to live than Riverside.