Bernie Ward...(Talk show host)


1,000+ Posts
"Indicted by a grand jury on two federal counts of distributing Internet child pornography in December 2004."
The Link

The Police report is disturbing as hell.. Pretty sick character... involving his own kids...

But, so is this.... (are these people really taking up for the guy?) Which is equally disturbing...

"Bernie Ward, the "liberal lion" of San Francisco's KGO, and one of our heroes around here."
The Link
People are either googling to dinf a conserv radio host who has done similar things
or people working to make the case it is just like larry Craig
OR . most likely people are trying to blame Bush

have patience rebuttal will be posted soon
Personally, I've never heard of the guy. That's probably b/c I've never been to SF and he's not syndicated.

But partisanship doesn't make a rat's *** in a case like this....his sick *** ought to hang from the fukcing rafters if he's found guilty.
I hereby vow that I will never again listen to his show, nor parot his views, nor even refer to el Wardow on this board, ever, ever again. There. OF course my vow would have more impact if I knew who the F this guy was.

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