bell cty. prosecutes lap dances


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This is a serious topic. i hope we can discuss it within the bounds of criminal statutes/politics, etc.

Friends of mine represent these defendants. Interesting case.
The Link

also, others were arrested for distributing obscene items, namely "toys" sold at the front of the store. however the 5th circuit jsut struck this theory down this week, so those should be dismissed.

my issue is with the definitions given in the penal code, of sexual conduct:

(3) "Sexual contact" means any touching of the anus,
breast, or any part of the genitals of another person with intent to
arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.
(4) "Sexual conduct" includes deviate sexual
intercourse, sexual contact, and sexual intercourse.

also, in normal stings, the act never takes place. here, the agents "went through" with the dances. i find that interesting.

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