Beavers and Trojans

the Beavs need to take long drives and score and the defence holds the next series and the Beavs can continue scoring on time consuming drives they will win.
methinks that beaver is not being aggressive. needs to be "out there" a little more.

******** on "gutsy performance by Sanchez" from about Beaver LB who stayed with the receiver and broke up the pass. then swarming D on 3rd down let's Beaver any guy would expect.

sc punt. Come on, OSU. Continue exposing the imposters. Yet, the play-by-play and color commentators continue to heap praise.

sanchez almost throws a ******* pick and the announcers are talking about how gutty the play was. i don't know how they can talk with usc's package so far down their throat.
What's with all of this passing crap? Several drives ago, they wouldn't pass when a play action would have been effective.
you're not going to beat a team like usc if you don't take some risks. should have gone for it there as well as they have been running the ball inside. osu is playing not to lose and will do just the opposite if they keep it up.