BBQ Shipment


< 25 Posts
I now reside in Connecticut, and I would like to have some BBQ shipped to me. Of the four below, which has the most flavorful and moist brisket? Blacks, Coopers, Southside Market, or Kreuz? Many thanks.
Depends. I would rank Southside last.

Coopers -- smoked over mesquite coals, has a unique, very Texan/cowboy flavor. As for how tender/moist it is, depends on how long they had it in the foil.

Kreuz's -- a solid choice. Will be pretty moist. Smoked over oak, very traditional. The "standard," if you will.

Black's -- there's argument over this one. I've always preferred Kreuz's to Blacks. Some feel the other way. Both are good, and are very similar.
If you order from Cooper's, get the following items, in order of preference.

1. pork chop
2. pork chop
3. pork chop

If your budget can handle it, you may want to have them throw in a few pork chops as well.

Mesquite smoke + pork = tough to beat combination.