
Can't really compare teams, but this reminded me of the Ok.State game when a fan threw T.J. Ford to the ground and our entire team flew into the stands throwing punches.
At that moment I knew we had something special in that team.
Perhaps this is one of those moments that helps this team gel and go on a run.
Great win.
IIRC, that OSU incident was TJ with extreme hustle trying to stop an airborne ball from going out of bounds on Texas, so he flew towards the ball over a scorer's table, landing in the lap of an 8-month expectant mother. Her husband was right next to her and tried to fend TJ off, a bit of a scuffle occurred there between TJ and the father (in a split second, it all happened so fast both were just reacting --- the father/husband for his wife's protection, for TJ protecting himself).

James Thomas saw the scuffle (again, this was happening in fractions of a second) and lept to TJ's defense, a handful of Horns and Cowboys then, but quickly over.

Thomas had an audience with Deloss Dodds the next week and he was suspended for a game IIRC.

I'm thinking the sit down between Dodds and Thomas went like this:

D: "Come in James, sit down, coffee, Coca-Cola?"
T: "No thanks, sir."
D: "James, you know why we're here. The NCAA is red-faced about this, but looking at the tape, ... let's just say --- and I never said this --- I'm proud of you trying to back up TJ. But, rules are rules, no broken bones no foul, and of course we [UT downtown money folks] have to put up the correct response for legal protection. So, sit a game, and [wink] don't ever do that again. Okay?"
T: "Okay."

I may have Thomas confused with someone else, as well as the details, help???
Actually, the idiots at Okie-Lite allowed standing room only literally courtside.
As T.J. was hustling for the ball he flat ran into the pregnant woman knocking her down.
The husband glanced at his wife on the floor, then grabbed T.J. around the throat with both hands, throwing him down.
I can't remember all the players, but 4 or 5 of them came to T.J.'s defense, going into the stands.
I think Thomas was the only one caught throwing a punch.
But my point is, they all had each others backs. They were a tight unit.
Perhaps this team can find some of that magic.
Thanks for the clarification. I couldn't recall if it WAS Thomas or not; I thought so. I remember it escalated quickly.

Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast.
Champ Kind: It jumped up a notch.
Ron Burgundy: It did, didn't it?
Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart.
Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?
Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident.
Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.
Additional good news in case anyone wasn't sure (like myself this morning):

Neither team is going to, or at least isn't expected to suspend any players for any future games. Apparently the conference rules are that suspensions are inevitable if someone is ejected for a fighting purpose, or if a player pushes a fan because he was more than likely threatened by said fan of being pelted by tortillas.

Since the seven guys were only ejected because of leaving the bench, I think everyone is available to play on Saturday. #WeOwnKState

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