No, you do it because you think that UH's location in a predominantly African American area of town is somehow funny. Indeed, Worsterman said he laughed every time you wrote it; that is, before he realized what he was saying and deleted his post. And you responded by patting yourself on the back for your cleverness. (As for your second rationalization above, rest assured that the hand sign is a cougar paw--I know, surprising.)
As I said before, you're free to espouse and disseminate whatever views you have, no matter how racially laden. If you've done it for 30 years, no reason to stop now, especially because it apparently earns you adulation from other fawning posters. But I'm going to call you out every time I notice, asking you to explain why the reference is so funny to you. (Something you have yet to do, which speaks volumes. IvanDiablo gets the joke, but he apparently isn't interested in explaining it either.) Eventually maybe others will realize that your brand of humor isn't quite so funny. And maybe, one day, you'll just stop. But probably not.
As for Ken Lay, you can name drop all you want. Yet it doesn't change, or distract from, the content of your message. And, in case you haven't noticed, the current UH president has a pretty good idea about how to improve UH's academic and athletic reputation, even though she apparently disagrees with your insights regarding the need to rename the university.