Our bats -- OPS
(as of 4/5/2023)

1. Category A: Great. 0.9000 or higher

Powell 1.092
Brown 1.058
Kennedy 1.013
Guillemette 0.978
Campbell 0.958

2. Category B: Very good, in the range between .8334 and .8999.

Galvan 0.855

3. Category C: Above average, in the range between .7667 and .8333.


4. Category D: Average in the range between .7000 and .7666.

O'Dowd 0.723

5. Category E: Below Average in the range between .6334 and .6999.

Daly 0.693
J. DuPlantier 0.691
Carlson 0.680

6. Category F: Poor in the range between .5667 and .6333.

Belyeu 0.606
Thomas 0.605

7. Category G: Very poor in the range between .5666 and lower.

Flores 0.518
Constantine 0.355

2023 Baseball Cumulative Statistics - University of Texas Athletics
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After the Air Force game, we now have 5 batters (over 1/2 the lineup) in the "Great" Batters category. Galvan is up to "Very Good." And O'Dowd is hanging out as the everyday "Average" man. Daly bounces back and forth around Average, he's currently just barely "Below Average", as is J. DuPlantier. Thomas still can't seem to bat his way out of the rut. I'm hoping he gets there by playoff time.

So, we have:

(i) a Great top of the lineup (1-3),
(ii) an Great and Very Good middle of the lineup (4-6), and
(iii) a Below Average rear end of the lineup (7-9).

With our pitching, this might be enough get us to Omaha. But, we need the tail end to step it up to at least Average to improve our chances to actually win it once we get there. I think Thomas will be a star by the time he's done here. Conference play would be a great time for this True Freshman to work on his batting.

Galvan is already showing the world he is a BAMF at the plate.

Count games pessimistically:
56 regular season games + 2 Big 12 tourney games + 3 games at a Regional= 61 total games. (we could have more games)
We've played 30 games already, or 30/61 = 0.4918 of the season.

We already have 41 homeruns.
Extrapolate over the whole season--> 41 divided by 0.4918 =
83 Homeruns projected for the year. That's really good.

2023 Baseball Cumulative Statistics - University of Texas Athletics
Galvan should be our everyday DH, except on the nights he's catching, in which case Guillemette can be the DH. Flores can get some experience in situations, in instances where we're way out ahead, and against some of the mid-week opponents--he could start. Likewise with Belyeu.

Galvan's got it. Already, his OPS puts him just outside the category that guys like Kennedy, Brown, and Powell are in. His batting avg is inching up and approaching respectability. His power hitting is exceptional.
Tech is #1 in the conference and #7 in the Nation for runs scored. The guys at Tech score a lot, A WHOLE LOT, in Lubbock and all over the country. Maybe that's why there's so much VD at Tech.
The tail end of the batting order seems to be the missing piece. If that piece falls into place, this team could make a run deep into Omaha.

Daly's got to step it back up. For the first 1/3 of the season, or so, he was batting around 0.300. And Daly batted North of 0.300 two years ago. He's got it in him.

Thomas is a True Freshman, but he's had so many at-bats already. By this point that he should be stepping that batting average up--at least to around 0.250 or so. And we need to see some power--he came here as a power hitter. I still think he'll be a star before he leaves the 40 Acres, but it would help the team out a lot if he could step it up a notch or two this year.

Jack's been in the doldrums lately, and his batting performance has slowly slipped down to a very average level. We need him to step it back up. He's a better-than-average player. He's got some power, and he can hit North of 0.300.

And Galvan has been on a tear lately. His power is the sort that doesn't just ding homeruns over the fence, he knocks them 30-40 feet or more beyond the wall. If he keeps this up, opposing pitchers could have some real trouble with the back half of our lineup.

Chop, at some point the bats are going to have to carry the team as the pitching will have issues during 3 or 4 games. That Sunday give-away to oSu is going to haunt this team like the Tceh loss in football.
I dunno. In game 3 of the OSU series, we took a 3-2 lead into the 9th (the pitching staff had done its job). Then we couldn't get a single run in with the bases loaded and no outs... :cursing2::cursing2::cursing2::cursing2::cursing2:

I like our pitching staff, a lot. I'm puzzled as to why LBJ isn't our #2 starter (or Hurley our #2 starter). LBJ is the fastest thrower on the team, and his ERA is sub-3.00. Hurley is not a hard thrower. He's a curve ball pitcher, but he gets outs and has a very low ERA after pitching a lot of innings. Sthele has great stuff, but his performance lags both LBJ and Hurley at this point. And they've all pitched a lot of innings.
Our bats came through in a big way tonight in game 1 vs KSU!

Amazing 8th inning rally for 5 runs and the victory!!!!

Carlson's sac fly got the winning run in. We might see some more of that guy.

Jack's had a couple of good games in a row, so I hope he's out of his mid-year slump. He's back to batting North of 0.250 again at 0.269.

Daly's hanging around 0.250.

Thomas is inching up, closer-and-closer to 0.250. As of 4/10/2023, Thomas is batting 0.232, a far cry better than the 0.190 or 0.200 we've seen him at for most of the year.

Little, incremental moves like this can make the rear end of the line up look a lot better.

Galvan, thus far, has been a "pure" power hitter. A real basher. His average is 0.204. It would be good if he could get it North of 0.250.
Ideally, we'd have something like this by playoff time:

Jack O'Dowd - 0.275 or better (maybe up to around 0.300 where he was at for most of the year) with occasional doubles and a homer every now and then, and even more of his clutch hitting/RBIs (something he's pretty good at).

Daly - 0.275 or better. I don't think we'll see much power from Daly. Just a rare and occasional homerun and some doubles. More good and timely bunts. Same for Jack on bunts.

Thomas - 0.250 or better, with lots of walks and stolen bases, and some more homeruns and doubles. This guy came in touted as a guy with power. Show some more of that power.

Galvan - continued massive power hitting, but with an average North of 0.250.

Carlson - North of 0.300, maybe far North of 0.300.

Flores - North of 0.275 with more of his clutch hitting and power hitting

That's not anything extraordinary to expect; it's all well within their talent level. If we get that, then we can approach the "chain with no weak links". And a "chain with no weak links" + this pitching staff = not just making it to Omaha, but making waves once we get to Omaha.
The pitching staff seems to have become stagnant over the last week. Morehouse has been dinged up a couple of times in a row. Powell is going to have to learn to hit inside out with a shift on in order to start getting a better look from the infield. The scout book is out on him. GG is in a mini slump, dont recall him striking out so many times in one game (4!! :yikes:).

bright spot is I like what i saw from Minchey tonight. Thomas has hit well the last two games, so I give him a well deserved kudos. Galvan still looks like he's growing, incrementally but I still see growth. Campbell is still on his hit streak.

Overall, a solid game and a win is a win. Texas St. pitching looked pretty competent to me.
Campbell is up to a 0.266 avg, 5 HR, and an 0.878 OPS.

We've seen this one before.

The flame has been lit.

He's about to IGNITE!!!


Campbell is batting North of 0.300 now (0.313), with 7 homeruns. He'll prolly ding 15+ by the end of the season.

We have 4 guys that have already hit 7 homers. And Guillemette is right behind them with 6 homers. Opponents can't pitch around anyone in the top 5 of our lineup, though some have been walking Porter Brown.

2023 Baseball Cumulative Statistics - University of Texas Athletics
The bottom of our lineup is coming along, especially Thomas--whose batting avg. is up from around 0.190 to 0.235. Every little bit helps at the tail end of the lineup.

O'Dowd......0.262 (2 homeruns)
Daly............0.261 (3 homeruns)
Thomas......0.235 (1 homerun)
Galvan........0.200 (4 homeruns--in limited plate appearances on the year)

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Player.........At Bats.....Homers.....AB per HR

Galvan..............50................4..........12.5 :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Thomas has been improving his avg lately. Porter brown needs someone to protect him and O’Dowd and Daly have been unable to provide that thus far this year. I would like to see Galvan get some more at bats. Thomas hasn’t been much of HR threat yet but Galvan has. Belyeu had an opportunity and didn’t do anything with it. We really don’t have many options besides Carlson who does need more opportunities as well.
Thomas has been improving his avg lately. Porter brown needs someone to protect him and O’Dowd and Daly have been unable to provide that thus far this year. I would like to see Galvan get some more at bats. Thomas hasn’t been much of HR threat yet but Galvan has. Belyeu had an opportunity and didn’t do anything with it. We really don’t have many options besides Carlson who does need more opportunities as well.
Thomas is up around 0.250 now. Daly and Jack are both North of 0.250. If Galvan gets there, our entire starting lineup will be batting over 0.250.
Jack catches a lot more crap from some fans and posters (not just this site) than he should. This year, he’s basically “Average Jack.” He’s doing all right. And this is his first year to get any meaningful game time. The entire lineup isn’t going to bat over 0.300 and hit 10+ homeruns. This isn’t 2022…


The bottom 4 of the order (mostly) continues to improve:

Thomas is now batting 0.259 - he's no longer a "weak link" in the lineup

O'Dowd is batting 0.259 with 6 doubles, 2 triples, and 22 RBIs. An average batter this year.

Galvan is up to 0.220. OPS North of 0.800. He was chasing a lot of pitches way out of the zone yesterday. If he maintains discipline at the plate, he can get North of 0.250 in no time. And he brings massive power to the plate.

Daly is down to 0.240, but I expect he'll step it back up.

Daly's slump has turned into a deep pit. He's now batting 0.239. He does have 4 homeruns--respectable for a SS at this point in the year.
I think more than a few fans are unfair to Jack O'Dowd. Some people think he isn't any good. Well, they're wrong. Jack is an average batter and a good fielder. And this is his first year to get any significant playing time. Not every player is going to be Ivan M. at bat or Trey Faltine in the field.

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