Basic Things That You Don't Know ...

cant drive a stick...didnt own a car until I was 38...
i don't know whether or not black people get sunburned or not. i would imagine they do but i've never asked a black person and nobody's ever told me.
I don't for the life of me know how to wear a watch with one of those metal-link wristbands. I see people wearing them all the time with them way too loose, so obviously I'm not the only one. There has to be a way to adjust them to fit your wrist snugly, so you can customize it. Because I do not know how to do this (and i don't mean just closing the clasp on it), and I too embarrassed to ask how, I have worn watches with leather buckle-able wristbands my entire life.
thanks for the heads up on the watch thing....serioulsy, I see loads of people wearing the things dangling like loose bracelets all the time.

Now I know.

And knowing is half the battle.
Oh, also,
while I love to watch basketball, I've never really clarified for myself what each position's job really is. For all the spurs games I've gone to, this is pathetic. In football its pretty well defined. In B-ball, a little more hazy. This is just laziness on my part.
You said basic things....

- I don't think I spell very well for a college graduate... I am frequently looking up words.
- I am embarrassed I seem to know so little about computers... gigabites, RAM, C Drives, mother boards, memory

- I have played poker a handful of times in my life, but I can never remember how to play the next time I play.
- How to figure out women...
I don't know how to stop spewing stupid, cheesy lines when I find a girl I really, REALLY like. I mean WTF?!?!?!

Coolness is maxed out around every other girl but get me around someone that catches my fancy and KABLOOEY... i fall to ****.
i can't keep the terms "day" and "date" straight, as in somebody will ask what day is and I'll say "the 23rd", when they really meant "wednesday"

i may have even gotten that example wrong, for all i know
Never learned to drive a stick shift.

Why people would eat a "poached" egg? What is a "poached" egg anyways?

What is the sport of bocci ball? Cricket? Also don't know the positions in basketball, but definitely know them in football!!

Why are people "shady"?
Okay,The Link I don't know what UTC stands for, where it starts or what the offset is to get Central Time.

<Al Gore debate sigh> I still have trouble with it's and its and whether to add a space after the a in alot.

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