Barton Creek Greenbelt - Hiking Tips


25+ Posts
Sunday of Labor Day weekend, I was thinking of taking my 8 and 9 year old boys on a hike. They are very "above-average" hikers, so a couple of hours on the trail is well within their ability.

I was thinking of having my wife drop us off somewhere "uptrail" from Zilker, and hiking for a couple of hours, ending up at Zilker for burger and a dip in Barton Springs, where she would pick us up later in the day.

Any advise, tips, etc., especially where a logical drop-off point is? Maybe some points of interest to stop along the way.
I ride my mountian bike and somtimes hike walk from my office above the greenbelt at Southwest Parkway and Mopac down to the pool and swim sometimes. To walk – it would probably take at least 1 hour/ 45 minutes (maybe longer).

The street entrance off the 360/mopac access road is the “Twin Falls Access." You could start there and hike down the trail to the pool in a couple hours.
here's a map (PDF)

To Zilker Park:
Spyglass / Barton Hillls - 1 mi
Gus Fruh - 2 mi
360 - 3.5 mi
Gaines Creek / Twin Falls - 4.5 mi
Trail's End - 7.25 mi

I'd figure on covering about 2-3 mi /hr with 8 and 9 year olds, and pick from Gus Fruh, 360, or Gaines Creek as appropriate.
Thanks, Mish....I had a hard time finding a decent map online.

BTW....anyone know if there is there any water in the creek?