Duck Dodgers
1,000+ Posts
Graham needs to go balls to the wall and say we will NOT eliminate pre-conditions, etc.
And this is a topic for another posting, but they most certainly do need to eliminate the law that says insurance companies have to cover pre-existing conditions. That's not insurance anymore, it's pre-paid health care for pennies on the dollar.
Insurance works when you have a bunch of people who don't need it currently, pool their money together via a company, and then the small percentage who do need it later, are covered by the money paid into it.
That's why back in the olden days, of say 2012, normal people could actually afford decent heath insurance. Now, it's 15 grand a year (I looked this week for coverage for me and my wife) for a crappy bronze policy that covers nothing until you've paid 8 grand out of pocket. But if I had cancer right now I could still sign up for it, or get a sex change operation free of charge I suppose, as an Obama sop to the LGBTQWERTY community.
Right now, it's like being able to add full coverage collision insurance to your car, while you're in the wrecker having it towed off the junk yard. Can't discriminate against my car, the fact it's totaled is just a pre-existing condition.
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