Barcelona terror

So the mayor of Barcelona would appear to be part of the problem
A socialist, of course
Here she is the grinning like a cat at the public ceremony to honor those who dies

So tell us about that last picture Joe Fan. Nice legs, by the way.
Rotterdam -- Concert canceled

The mayor of Rotterdam says police in the port city stopped a van with Spanish license plates containing a number of gas bottles close to the venue of a concert by an American rock band that was cancelled

Allah-Las is a four-piece band from Los Angeles. The band did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment on Wednesday night.

In an interview with British newspaper The Guardian last year, band members said they chose the word Allah, Arabic for God, because they were seeking a "holy sounding" name. They said they didn't realize it might offend Muslims.

Lead singer Miles Michaud told the newspaper that the group received emails from Muslims around the world who said they were offended. Michaud said the band usually wrote back and explained its intentions were honorable "and mainly they understand."
Diversity continues to enrich Europe

Lead singer Miles Michaud told the newspaper that the group received emails from Muslims around the world who said they were offended. Michaud said the band usually wrote back and explained its intentions were honorable "and mainly they understand."

Hahahaha. Hearts and minds. Once we explain our good intentions to them they understand and are okay with it.

Maybe they'll come to a concert and sing kumbaya with you in a show of solidarity. Liberals. :smh:
Here is some great news
A European father of a has made a "gesture of unity" with Islam
So now jihadis everywhere will no doubt stop murdering innocent children


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