Bain Capital


there is no doubt that Romney is a prudent investor and a sharp business exec. But I don't live in the 'United States of GDP'.

He gets my vote because I actually think he has more going for him than that, but I want a president that can do more than pursue GDP. And that's how Dems are trying to paint Romney right now.

and let's not forget that the GOP has been every bit as wasteful and indulgent to their core interest groups as the Dems have.
Burnt Orange:

Just a couple points of reference, the SLC Olympics were not for profit, yet they made money. Right now this country is in almost $16T in debt so we need to Net $16T to get back to a government for the people. I understand what the Democrats are trying to do as well and they are going to lose that battle. Increased GDP in this country raises Tax Revenues.

I will also point out that during the Republican Presidency and Congress, the debt for a particular year never exceeded $600B, while the Democratic Controlled Congress and Executive branch over the past 5 years debts have been in the $1.5T/year range. While Republicans were by no means model examples of stewards of our money the Democrats have proven to be 3x worse.

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