Bain Capital


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I haven't seen any threads on Bain here. Did I miss them? I mean the chosen one has been spouting off about this for a week no and none of the Kool-Aid drinkers are buying this one.

I am shocked none of the West Mall Liberals aren't trying to jump all over this one, I wonder why not?

How about the Olympics?
In four years Obama has increased the number of unemployed and the only entity he has ever run is currently $4 Trillion in debt since his take over and estimated after 5 years to be close to $5.5T in debt.

Any CEO in any company that let's go of that many employees and runs that much debt is let go, think of GM before the bailout.

Obama has proved that he is in way over his head, he was not ready to be President of the United States. He probably should have run for Governor somewhere and received true Executive Experience before he attempted this job. While no job completely prepares one for this, being a US Senator and State Senator for a grand total of 4 years does not qualify one for this position.

If he would have run for Governor of Illinois, served a couple of terms and then run for the presidency in 2016 for 2020, he would have had a fighting chance. His ego got in the way and it will cost him a second term. The funniest thing is his ego will make him run again in 2016.
not too good for Bain money

There was a story yesterday about how Bain Capital's top dogs contributed $7500 to the Obama campaign. Despite throwing Bain under the bus repeatedly the last couple weeks and in numerous commercials, the campaign has no intention of returning the money.

That sends the right message. This evil company of vampires sucks the life out of poor hard working blue collar folks, but if they want to contribute I'll gladly take their money.
I think to an extent Obama winks and nods to Wall Street folks as he gets his base all frothed up with his anti business rants.
How do you have a conversation with someone who classifies you as either a Conservative or a "Kool-Aid drinker?"

Is that really someone worth discussing the merits and cons of any issue?
Why are we still acting like either of the parties and their caciques are not in the pocket of large institutions with tons of money to give away to get favors?

Bain is a vulture outfit but Obama has received lots of money from the nice hedge fund people who wanted to protect their tax honey hole.

The whole pack of parasites in the beltway have been bought for decades. Is there anybody who still questions that?

My Rottweiler eats kittens and so does yours.

People need to quit acting like the Other is a bad guy and their guy is not.

Do you prefer getting raped, scalped and mutilated by Comanches or Apaches? I don't care but please quit acting like one will and the other wont.
yes corps do give to both parties but this Bain exec goes above and beyond
from ABC news
"Jonathan Lavine is a long-time Bain Capital executive and co-owner of the Boston Celtics. He is also one of President Obama’s most prolific fundraisers. He has already raised more than $200,000 for the Obama campaign this election, according to Federal Election Commission records."

I guess Bo is ok with Bain now. it is just when Romney was there that Bain was an evil company.

and the hammering BO is giving romney over taking over companies that ended up laying off employees really ringfs hollow when you think of the number of people who lost jobs with BO's GM and Chrysler takeover

Oh yea that is different. BO used OUR money and thousands lost their jobs. not ot mention bondholders lost money
not to mention the still owe us billions

yea that is totally different from what Bain did.
and not in a good way
f we can return from charicature land for a moment, I think that you misunderstand the Democratic spin on Bain. Theyare very careful to give lips service to private equity being a legitimate business. What they will focus on is Romney's claim that he/Bain was a "job creator"
That is the term of moment, isn't it? Obama's team is justified in pointing out that Bain was not in the business of creating jobs, and that Romney's expertise is not in "job creation." This is fair game. It is equally fair for Romney supporters to tout his general business expertise, and claim expertise in job creation through the transitive theorem. The voting public will then decide, based upon hunch, mood, whether their personal financial life is going well, and half assed understanding of what the president does, what he should get credit for, and what he is responsible for. Oh, and who they'd rather have a beer with (root beer, in Romney's case), and who they believe will neither eat nor torture their dog. Sometimes Democracy sucks. Am I the only one who is getting pretty damn cynical?
I have not seen any stats showing whether Bain had a plus job creation or not

but I am willing to bet Bain was infinitely more sucessful than BO has been using OUR taxpayer money.

if some supporter has verifable facts to prove otherwise let's ee them
I can't believe that starting a wildly successful PE fund that has successfully moved capital to hundreds (thousands) of companies over decadescould be enertained as a negative when deciding whether someone should lead a country.

You can debate how good it is, but how bad?
It matters not what Romney did or didn't do. He made money, and that is enough of an evil thing for attacking him. Plus he made money in the private sector. Maybe if every company he touched had failed like Solyndra Bo would be happier. Apparently in his world, every company that has an idea that he likes should get milliions of tax-payer dollars regardless of whether it is a viable company. How many people lost their jobs in Solyndra? And how much per lost employee did we give Solyndra? That might be a good way to analyze things.
Opening the thread with terms like "the chosen one " and "koolaid drinkers" proves you aren't looking for real opinions or discussion.
People need to quit acting like the Other is a bad guy and their guy is not.

Do you prefer getting raped, scalped and mutilated by Comanches or Apaches? I don't care but please quit acting like one will and the other wont.

I had to laugh huisache. I think I'm a tolerant, easygoing guy. But the ignoring of the momentus and trying to make a twisted view of the trivial seem momentus is irritating the hell out of me these days. The latest attack ads in the Texas Senate race make me want to rain down fire and brimstone on the whole political class.

How stupid do the politicians think voters are? Sadly enough, I'm afraid they have research that quantifies it and write their ads and spin their messages accordingly.
Major, I shouldn't have said proves. I'll amend to "suggests to me.."

I don't know how liberal I am, as I won't lose any sleep if Obama isn't re-elected. . . But I've got no issue with Bain or Romney's record at Bain.
They were coming out of the woodwork in open rebellion just a few days ago, but all of the sudden, all Democratic leaders nationwide are now supposedly supportive of this strategy.

Yeah, right. Sure they are.

This may be an expedient strategy for Obama, who has to resort to every divisive trick he can think of to try to divert people from the topics of his record, jobs and the economy in order to try and squeak out a victory in November. But this will be Obama's last election.

The Democratic Party must go on after November, and for many of these people, embracing a platform that is deeply anti-business and anti-free enterprise is a big loser. They are not going to be willing to sacrifice themselves politically in this way.

This strategy will continue to be about as popular as a fart in a divers helmet to many leaders in the Democratic Party, certainly including all of those who have spoken critically to this issue over the last week.

And make no mistake about it; it is these Democrats that want this topic categorized as off limits. Mitt Romney and the Republicans are quite eager to have this debate. Anyone on the left who insists otherwise either does not know what they are talking about, or they are just lying through their teeth.
It is refreshing to see a leftist politician who is bold enough to directly associate themselves with the sort of anti-free enterprise rhetoric that Obama has identified himself with in this line of attack.

Whether you want to use the term "socialist" or not, he has clearly marked out a remarkably populist, anti-business territory for himself that will be immensely popular with his hardcore leftist base.

And it will provide a remarkably clear characterization of his ideology for the rest of the electorate, which is quite a bit different than the Rorschach ink-blot strategy that he used in 2008.
The anti free enterprise leftists who were indulging in this shocking behavior a few weeks ago were Santorum and Newton Gingrich.

You don't have to be a commie to find this form of capitalism to be problematic.

It will be interesting to see how Romney uses the lessons learned at Bain to cure our economic ills. Maybe he will spin off the minimal producers like New Mexico and Mississippi or shed the units with bad tax and spend problems like New Jersey and California.
Hey KOOL-AID!!!!!!! OH YEA!!!

Keep bringing up Bain and how Romney was so evil there, please keep talking you sound like complete idiots when you try!!!!

The best thing is nobody has even mentioned the turnaround of the SLC Olympics that Romney was without a doubt in charge of.......what flavor, c'mon waiting for you........

Does this sound familar? Corruption, losing sponsorships and millions upon millions of debt. Turning it around in less then two years, profitable, eliminating corruption and growing sponsorships to record levels!!! Then donating his fee and salary to charity. I will give you one guess as to the event and man responsible?

Go look it up, oh wait you need MSNBC for your parroting points, I forgot!!! Wouldn't want anyone of you KAD's, that is Kool-Aid Drinkers, to have to think for yourself.
YOU started this thread by saying no one was talking about Bain on the board.

Now you say “Keep bringing up Bain and how Romney was so evil there, please keep talking you sound like complete idiots when you try!!!!”

Is no one talking about it or do KADs keep bringing it up?
I think we have a new acronym(sp), KAD's..........

The point is that the KAD's can't even spin the Obama lies into something that sounds feasible. It is best that Obama leaves Romney's highly successful business record alone as well as the SLC Olympics. It is that type of leadership that this country needs right now, KAD's keep talking about Bain and start talking about SLC, please.....

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