b/r has Brown at 100% UT

I don't know what you guys are so excited about. All he has is speed, power, balance, abitlty to break tackles, great vision, and the ability to hit holes. And after seeing some the holes he had to run through, I hope we're recruiting some Cibolo linemen, too.
I don't understand the 100% stuff.
Sounds like dad likes bama, mom likes Texas, and he is split, if anything, pro bama:

"I try to keep my options open, but since I wasn't raised in Texas, it wouldn't be any problem leaving the state," Brown said.
The Link

The Link
Am I reading too much into this? In Burnt Orangeman's second link, MB says he is very comfortable with the Bama coaches and pretty comfortable with the Texas coaches. VERY comfortable vs. Pretty comfortable.

Also, I thought that it was odd that he mentions how crazy Bama is about their football but doesn't mention this with Texas.
If we don't get Brown we better have a good backup plan....and it better not just be concentrating on Gray for next year considering the talent at RB that was in Texas this year.

Ok, breath. We still have a 50/50 shot. Maybe Mack's statements at the Big 12-2 media days soothed any worries he had about a running attack.
I urge those who have any degree from UT in Austin to put that excellent education to use as applied to the Barking Carnival prediction--and similar claims bathed in bravado.

Anyone who claims that a kid who hasn't verballed prior to the start of the season is 100% X or Y loses much credibility (also applies for kids who have verballed, for that matter). The only person who could come close to a 100% assurance is Malcolm Brown himself, and that could change even if he thought he was 100%.

This type of prediction reflects the same naivete as the young BU football player who 'guaranteed' a win over UT this year. Guaranteed! My first question is, what does a 'guarantee' mean? If I buy something and am guaranteed $ back if I don't like, that's pretty clear. It's not like one of these kids can follow through with a guarantee of any sort if they're wrong. And we seem to get a similar guarantee from a BU player about once every 3 years. One of these years, they'll win, and someone will look like Nostradamus. No one--from Waco anyway--will consider the countless failed predictions from prior years.

So a penny for your thoughts, Barking Carnival--and BU afficianados! I don't know where MB is going, but it seems like UT has a chance. And it also seems to me that this would be a match made in heaven for both parties.

Recruiting prognostication accuracy is always 100%. If Brown comes to Texas barking carnival was 100% correct. If not, they're 100% wrong.
If it is a national top-20 caliber recruit and a runningback, I will not believe ANYBODY till the guy signs an LOI and sends it ... Something or other always seem to be a reason for them not to come to us despite their knowing that we have not landed a true bluechip RB in years..

"If it is a national top-20 caliber recruit and a runningback, I will not believe ANYBODY till the guy signs an LOI and sends it ... Something or other always seem to be a reason for them not to come to us despite their knowing that we have not landed a true bluechip RB in years.. "

So, are only 5* running backs "blue chip" in your opinion? Seems we have at least four on campus now in McGee, Fozzy, Whaley, and Shead. They were all 4* coming out of high school. That is a lot of potential talent that signed and I believe they certainly qualified as blue chips. That's four on the tail of 5* Charles.
All I am saying is that our RB recruiting has not been in the dumps like some would have you believe. IMO, it has been that we have NOT been a running team in several years. More scheme than anything.
With that said, I still believe we will have Brown committed very soon.

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