I'm not a fan of booing, either, but that's only because of the kids. Personally, I have never done it and I probably never will.
That said, if the crowd only boos AFTER yet another miserable third down call, do you really think it is interpreted as they are booing the "team?" I'm sorry, that's just too patently obvious for me to believe that the players or recruits are THAT stupid to not understand. The players know the play calling was horrible, they aren't oblivious. Greg Davis simply DOES NOT understand that his play calling is seemingly out of touch with reality, and this is the single most effective medium of communication through which fans can reach him. Don't give that mail/e-mail crap, because as much hate mail as he must get there's no way he even looks at that stuff himself. It's sad to see it happen, especially on national TV. Am I glad to see it happen? No. But was it deserved? More than any assistant coach in the country.
I'm tired of the GD apologists out there. If this game doesn't open your eyes, then nothing will.
Remember the booing the team got against OSU 5 years ago in DKR going into the half? Now that was ridiculous because that WAS actually directed toward the entire team and I was embarrassed to be part of the crowd that day.