Austin Package Bombings

Wondering why this guy does not have "terrorist" head lines tied to him. He was bombing all over Austin and ended up dying with a suicide bomb. Sure sounds like a terrorist to me.O yea I forgot he is "Whitey", I guess you have to be brown to be labeled a terrorist. I mean look at the mass shootings over the last year, none of the white people are terrorists. That dude that ran over people, brown... Terrorist. Makes perfect sense to me.
Wondering why this guy does not have "terrorist" head lines tied to him. He was bombing all over Austin and ended up dying with a suicide bomb. Sure sounds like a terrorist to me.O yea I forgot he is "Whitey", I guess you have to be brown to be labeled a terrorist. I mean look at the mass shootings over the last year, none of the white people are terrorists. That dude that ran over people, brown... Terrorist. Makes perfect sense to me.
Whitey? Don't be a racist and hold this guy's white skin against him. Clearly, this wack job was a terrorist. But it does not appear that he was tied to a terrorist organization, at least we do not know that yet. Not to defend the media, but that is the main difference here.

^ Black UT student who randomly stabbed students in a crowd not accussed of being a terrorist.

^ despite shooting allegedly over perceived racism, this black mass shooter is not labled a terrorist.

Another black mass shooter not labled a terrorist.

Oh look, a white guy labled as a terrorist.

^ oh the original group labled as terrorists was the Irish Republican Army aka white people.

“People of color” are not disproportionately labled terrorists while white people are labled criminals. That is one of the biggest pieces of baloney out there. In fact, anyone that manufactures baloney like that to complain about racism tells me they must not have any REAL incidents of racism to complain about.

The only group currently generally suspected of terrorism are Muslims. Not people of color. Not black people. Not asians. Not hispanics. Why are Muslim criminals suspected of terrorism? 9/11, ISIS, etc. See the past 20 years. Also, Muslims are not a race. Muslims and islamic terrorists can be middle eastern, white, black, etc.

Is this man a terrorist? We do not know yet. Were his actions politically motivated? Were they random like a serial killer? Were they personal? We do not have these answers yet.

Is it fair to say he engaged in a terroristic bombing campaign like the IRA or ISIS or other terrorists engage in? Certainly!

However, if anyone starts making ignorant and false complaints that America only labels people of color “terrorists”, then I can only assume that person has never experienced racism or that racism is no longer an issue as they only have made up issues to complain about.

What timing! Shortly after I posted, I saw these tweets. Looks like it was for personal reasons aka general very sick puppy/evil criminal behavior. Of course, I do not know what difference it makes why. Innocent people died or were harmed regardless of the reasons. At least this sick puppy cannot hurt anyone else anymore.
Wondering why this guy does not have "terrorist" head lines tied to him. He was bombing all over Austin and ended up dying with a suicide bomb.

OrngNugz doesn't care about the truth and that's been well established. He got a nice eyeful of the Twitterverse this morning, where the talking point was that if networks - which NEVER label someone as a terrorist in their initial reporting - didn't call a suspect a terrorist, it was about race. Media outlets aren't going to label someone a terrorist when they haven't even confirmed that he's anything more than a suspect. In fact, isn't that always the criticism from conservatives - that the press REFUSES to call people terrorists when their actions are clearly terroristic?

The difference, of course, with some of the other issues that he's trying to tie this to is that this guy wasn't witnessed shouting his motivation for all to hear before he was killed.
Maybe we should all walk out of our jobs/school classes to protest the easy availability of "exotic batteries from Asia". Those things are killing people!
Wondering why this guy does not have "terrorist" head lines tied to him. He was bombing all over Austin and ended up dying with a suicide bomb. Sure sounds like a terrorist to me.O yea I forgot he is "Whitey", I guess you have to be brown to be labeled a terrorist. I mean look at the mass shootings over the last year, none of the white people are terrorists. That dude that ran over people, brown... Terrorist. Makes perfect sense to me.
I'm cool with calling "whitey" a terrorist. While we're at it, should we call black people a terrorist organization since "blacky" only represents 13% of the population but commits 53% of the murders and represents 40% of the prison population? Let's be consistent if you want to classify terrorists based on race.
Wondering why this guy does not have "terrorist" head lines tied to him. He was bombing all over Austin and ended up dying with a suicide bomb. Sure sounds like a terrorist to me.O yea I forgot he is "Whitey", I guess you have to be brown to be labeled a terrorist. I mean look at the mass shootings over the last year, none of the white people are terrorists. That dude that ran over people, brown... Terrorist. Makes perfect sense to me.
Perhaps because terrorism, when properly applied to conduct, speaks to ideology and not just the actions. Actions in THIS case were not tied to race or gender-based ideology based upon what has been released. Instead, we simply have an extremely emotionally disturbed individual who wreaked an incredible amount of havoc in a short period of time.

To apply the 'terrorist' label improperly cheapens the term, just as the race crowd has cheapened the 'racist' label and the SJW's have cheapened the various '-phobic' labels.

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