Any informed reader,
Could you point me in the direction of an article or reference material that details the health effects of
carbon, sulfur, mercury and NOx produced from burning coal?
I would readily admit that I don't want to breath pollution. At the same time, I also understand how regulation and chemistry works. There are critical concentration of each below which pose no health issue at all and above which do with increasing urgency.
There are all kinds of materials in the atmosphere and earth, natural and synthetic that can harm us when the concentration gets too high. If levels of those pollutants can be held low enough, there shouldn't be any issue. If coal power plants can't reliable maintain low enough levels, then I am all for shutting them down. But if they can, shouldn't they be encouraged?
Back to my original question. I am interested in technical articles, newspaper articles, or case studies describing the threat of coal burning to our heath. I am indifferent to coal power plant currently, but am willing to change my position, positively or nefatively, as I learn more about them.