Austin area hotel recommendation - Mopac and 35th?

closest hotel would probably be the Mansion at Judge's Hill on MLK and Rio Grande area. Doubletree Guest Suites on 15th is also relatively close.

Other than that, going north your first option is the arboretum. South on Mopac your first option is La Quinta I believe
I think there's a Holiday Inn at MoPac and 183, which would be closer than the Arboretum. There is also some sort of executive suite hotel just south of Northcross Mall.

If you'll consider B&Bs, Citysearch says there are some that are very close:

1309 Meriden (Tarrytown)
Carriage House (West 22.5th St.)
Carrington's Bluff (1900 David St.)
Brava House (1108 Blanco St.)
Austin's Inn (Pearl St.)
Heathy Quarters (Lost Cyn)
Hardin House (2206 Rio Grande)

I've only heard of some of them, and I've stayed at none of them, so caveat emptor and all that.
The Holiday Inn at 183 & MoPac is a ***** to get to, so check your mapquest closely, if you're not from the area.

I used to love setting my parents up with a reservation at that place, and then try to take bets on how far away they'd be from the hotel when they finally gave up and called me asking for help.
That Holiday Inn is a pain in the *** to get to. If I remember right, there's only one entrance and it sneaks up on you. And God help the man who misses it.
we just moved to mopac and 35 and we have 3 sets of relatives -- in laws, grandparent in laws and bro-sister in laws coming into town for one night. one set will stay with us, the other two will hotel up. nothing exciting needed and it will be just a place to crash. we're having a small party on saturday and mothers day brunch on sunday. I suspect everyone will stay at our house until 10pm and then will be back at 9am. la quinta is looking like the best bet -- the one south mopac near southwest parkway.
That la quinta is almost as expensive as staying downtown, and everytime I've checked on it for someone coming to town, the website says it's booked.
that la quinta was crazy expensive -- $150 per night and the website said it was booked. A call to the booking service confirmed. We ended up using AmeriSuites in the Arboretum and it was $89 per night. No complaints, so we now have our "no frills" hotel for guests who want a cheap hotel that is clean and decent.
^^^ being a southie, I didn't recall that group, but that's where they stayed. Embassy Suites, AmeriSuites, Candlewood, others including the ones you mentioned too.