Augie Cost Us ...

Right, because research backed up by "numbers and ****" on the MLB level, but with no proven statistical correlation to the college game, outweighs Augie's general philosophy which calls for bunting extensively.
So what are the odds of scoring 1 run per inning for 7 innings in a row and winning that game? The odds of scoring a run each inning aren't that great and the odds of them scoring two or less have got to be pretty low, as well. As Keith Morelund says, you've got to put up a crooked number at some point. 2nd inning or not, 1st and 2nd is a pretty darn good way to start. And can we agree by bunting and giving up one out, you're making it less likely that the inning develops into a big inning?

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Look, Gus always played "gusball." But Augie doesn't always play "augieball." His strategy changes with the capriciousness of Himalayan weather. One time it may be yin, the next time yang. He just doesn't do the same thing every time in the same situations. I can't figure it out, maybe he doesn't want to be predictable.
The ugliest stat of the game, after the 6 DPs of course, is that we had the leadoff runner on base in 7 of 8 innings...
What I can't believe is that somone on this board opined about a week ago that our starting pitcher for Sunday's debacle was "nails", I think was the term.


FWIW, the lack of quality pitching from our starter cost us the game. We should never have been in the hole that even made the rest of the play-calling necessary.

And I firmly believe that Augie is doing what needs to be done to make the whole team stronger. Think back on the guys we lost last year and I think you can appreciate his approach.
While it is early to be calling a freshman "nails", it's also a little early to ride his butt too. It was good to see him come back with a nice outing against the Fighting Nightbirds.
How did this go almost two pages before someone pointed out that bunting with the bases loaded is a bad idea? And I think Preston Clark has proven to be better than a .250 guess is that he'll come around.

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