Attention West Mall bulimics!

I do believe buffybevo takes the cake for the most pasive-agressive lib I've seen on West Mall.. only been visiting here a week or so though. Does it get better than this? Are all the libs visiting WM this weak in banter?
I35, I will explain this one more time to you. I am not writing to defend Obama, and I only tepidly and narrowly did so to explain that I think he is “average.” Instead, my point in this thread is to draw a comparison between irrational Obama love and irrational Obama hate. You can make your point that he is a bad president, and no doubt score some legitimate points in doing so (some of which I agree with). However, your approach is different than many other conservative posters on this board; you really aren’t much different than someone like Guggenheim. You have simply drunk a different brand of cool aid. Take your continued attempt to turn me into a rabid Obama supporter. This suggests that you are not someone approaching these issues rationally; otherwise you would not continue to persist in this futile exercise. Perhaps you are cool-head and logical in every other part of your life, but when it comes to Obama, you seem to react with raw emotion fueled only partly by facts. For example, I can almost feel your teeth gritting when you write about how he ensured employment would be below 8%, and instead stands at 8.3%. In a more rational world, we would recognize that politicians don’t only live up to their promises. He should be accountable for his failures, and held to his words, but this does not make him anything more than a run-of-mill politician.

Regarding his spending, this concerns me. The short term deficit is attributable in large part to the recession, but he has not addressed long term entitlement reform which concerns me more than the immediate deficit. However, I am not really interested in getting into a complex argument about this issue since it is far beyond the scope of my point (and frankly when I do, I would prefer it to be with some less emotional), but I wanted to at least address this point raised in your prior post.

Also, of course he panders to the electorate (and not just the stupid). Were you somehow under the impression that all of the anti-Obama rhetoric from Republican candidates and officeholders that gets you all frothy was not also pandering? Were you perhaps patting yourself on the back by only referring to me as “stupid” thinking you have some sort of exemption from being influenced by pandering? To the contrary, in my experience, it is the emotional (and not the stupid) who are more easily sucked in by pandering. You seem to fit this bill. Don’t worry though, it’s not just you. There are millions in this country who are oriented to act in accordance with their “feelings.”
It is sad to see that Tom Hanks is drinking the Kool Aid as well. Then again, if he weren't, I'd expect that jobs would be much harder to come by in Hollyweird.
Further support that NOTHING is BO's fault:

Solyndra wasn't my bad

Obama in 2010
“Less than a year ago, we were standing on what was an empty lot,” Obama said at the time. “But through the Recovery Act, this company received a loan to expand its operations. This new factory is the result of those loans.”

Obama today
“Obviously, we wish Solyndra hadn’t gone bankrupt,” Obama said. “But understand: This was not our program per se.”

His reasoning? He says it was a bipartisan passed Energy plan of 2005 that supplied the company with the money. Who was president then? oh yeah this is Bush's fault.

The problem with this explanation?
"the company’s $500 million in fast-tracked loan guarantees came from an entirely new section of the program created under Obama by the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulus.
The Recovery Act received no Republican votes in the House and only three in the Senate."

Woopsie daisy.

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