At least CNN is neutral

I don't know that either of Fox or CNN would be considered neutral. CNN has done a better job of coming back more to the center though over the last year. When I watched their debate coverage they always had their CNN political guys and then they had a Republican and a Democrat talking head. You got to hear all of the talking head opinions including CNNs. When I watch Fox I don't feel like I am getting good opinions from both sides and definitely not from as experienced as Gergen and King.
As stated above, you have to differentiate between the commentators - Hannity, O'Reilly, etc - and the news people. The difference between Fox and the liberal-slanted networks is that Fox's news are close to neutral although their commentary is heavily slanted to the conservative side. On the other networks, their news is very slanted as well.
Judging from this thread, one's perspective on which of the major news networks are biased and how much is directly shaped by which side of the political aisle one sits on.
I go to CNN and Fox News for web "news" and I must say CNN has gone full tilt left bashing Romney and for Obama including the main news page and CNN Money.

Never will claim that Fox isn't biased but CNN sucks at the impartiality veil.
So I'm listening to "the news" as Fox reports it... and the talkind head spends most of his time explaining "what Romney meant" with his 47% comment. I don't remember Fox going that far out of their way to provide context to Obama's "you didn't build it" comment.

Even Megan Kelly has become more editorial in the way she presents the 'news'. So yes, the personalities are blatantly biased but even the 'newscasters' have obvious agendas.

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