Asian taxi Etiquette:
If you see someone obviously waiting for a taxi move 1-2 feet farther down the line of traffic, nervously glance over your shoulder and then look down at your feet. As taxi comes flag it down right in front of obviously waiting person and dash in the cab.
Now typically i'll let it go due to the fact that there are shitloads of taxis. However, today it is amber typhoon warning and it is pissing down rain.
I have my gigantic longhorn golf umbrella and it's 10 am (took calls fro home) so there is only me out there.
Dude comes down with small umbrella, looks at me, sidles past and ensconces himself about 5 feet closer to the oncoming traffic. I've been out there for 5 minutes or so now.
Taxi finally comes - guy gives me the look over the shoulder and goes into look at feet mode. Not today buddy.
I walk up to him and say "if you take that cab I will rip off your head and **** down your neck". His eyes bugged out and he actually fled back up the ramp.