Article: Colorado still remembers 70-3

I was at that game, too. After getting pwned by CU in the 2001 CCG, that game felt like sweet justice. The score wouldn't have been so high had CU not gifted UT with 21 points on turnovers and a return for a TD.

I remember the hit Kelson laid on Klatt. It was pretty nasty, almost helmet to chin. Very unfortunate that Klatt got his bell rung, but I don't think it was intentional. I seem to recall at the time that many CU fans were more bitter about the Klatt hit rather than the final score. Kelson was trying to sack the QB after the protection broke down, which is what any defender is supposed to do. What should Kelson have done instead, stand around and let Klatt score? If CU didn't like it, they needed to play better.

I don't really remember the clowning, but perhaps our team got caught up in celebrating an undefeated season and punching their ticket to a date in the national championship game against USC. I could understand why CU might feel that way, but I don't think any disrespect was intended toward them. As the mob would say, "it was just business -- nothing personal."

By the way, CU has no right to complain about 70-3 after we single-handedly gave Rashaan Salaam the Heisman in 1994 for gashing our paper-thin defense with over 300 yards of rushing. Talk about a ugly game.
70-3, and it wasn't that close.

That game will have absolutely nothing to do with the one played on Saturday. Colorado will give us a sterner test than we've had all season, and that's a good thing. We need to be tested before the OU game.
I have yet to recover from 37-39.

67 points isn't just the biggest "championship game" blowout ever, it's the biggest POSTSEASON blowout ever.

That includes every bowl game in the history of college football.
I remember all of Texas Stadium basically being burnt orange and we still couldn't beat them with that home field advantage, we just laid down and gave it away. so f em'. worst mack brown game ever, well until we had 60 hung on us by ou, TWICE.

I hope we stomp them but this one will be close probably.
That game was a three hour celebration of getting into the Rose Bowl. The outcome was never in doubt. If you were in the club seats, it was one of the best parties ever.

Any yes Darian, we called the dogs off early in the 3rd quarter.
We were sitting about 10 rows back of the CU bench and directly behind Klatt as they were evaluating him after the hit. I'm not going to say it was funny, because it's not when someone is hurt that bad, but it was a whole lot more interesting watching him on the bench than anything going on on the field by that time in the game.
if you don't like someone running up the score on you, figure out how to stop them. If you can't, don't whine about it.
what game were those asshats watching? we could've hung 100 easily. as others have said, we have to TRY not to score. how f'ing sad is that?

and yet, we are the bad guys.
Had seats in a luxury box for that one and spent whole second half planning our trip to the Rose Bowl. As already stated Mack couldnt have done more to call of the dogs, our walk on scout team QB was in early in the fourth quarter (I kid you not you cant go any deeper on the bench) and we ran the same dive into the middle and fall down play over and over throughout the second half. When you hit 70 with 8 minutes to go in the third quarter its hard to argue a team is running up the score. Much like OU against aggy in 03, 100 could have been scored very easily.
if we're gonna get accused of running up the score every time we score a lot of points, then we might as well run it all the way the **** up. their bitching may actually be less if we dug into them for 120 as they would be too embarrassed to bring it up in public.

as for the late blitzing, i believe i remember that on the kelson hit on klatt, kelson was not blitzing but had coverage responsibility on a back or tight end. when that player stayed in to block, kelson attacked the qb as he was taught. were they handing the ball off every play, this would not have happened.
Yeah, my biggest recollection of that game is the Texas player pulling up so as not to block a punt.

We were bending over backwards not to score again. We hardly threw the ball at all for the entire second half. It was our BACKUP linebacker who KO'd their STARTING QB when they should have been burning clock (like we had already been doing for 15 minutes of game clock when that play occurred).

**** Hagan and his "blitzing and piling it on" quote. What a bunch of horse ****.
I remember CU ruining our perfect (regular) season in 1990. Hope our boys have that memory burning in their hearts when they hit the field.
Wasn't this the game that Matt Nordgren basketball dribbled the ball into the end zone? We couldn't even fumble no matter how hard we tried.
Mack looked like he was going to be sick in the second half of that game.

Sometimes you cant get the whupass back into the can.