Are you better off now?

"Why did the Democrats double that and triple that?"

For the same reason they did between 1928 and 1934, if you want to use a different set of years. Blaming Congress/Obama for it is faulty logic, although in an election year, it's only fair to "blame" someone for it.
Rex, Feb prices was the highes ever in history for that month. Not sure how March and April compared to the highest in history, but it's super high now and we aren't even to the summer months where gas prices spike due to much more traveling.
Horn89 - you think BO is the 2nd worse President in your lifetime so you are going to vote 3rd party?
Just go ahead and vote for the 2nd worst President in your lifetime- same difference.
Rex, my bad. In my haste to look up cost, I did 2007 thinking election was 2008. Should have used 2008 prices. However, hard to see how this is a positive for this administration.

I too survived Y2K. Glad to hear you are better off now than more than a decade ago. I asked about this administration..
I am sure there are individuals who are much better off than they were 4 years ago. That is because those individuals were driven to suceed in spite of the current climate. However, the COUNTRY is not better off by any measure. We are way worse off financially to the point there is no possible way to get out of this via revenue generation. The only optoins now are deep, hard spending cuts, or wait for complete collapse.
How sad that you think it was a real tax cut, how sad that you believe that....You don't even understand Withholding and where they get that $40 back.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid.

The one talking about how Congress and Obama are not responsible for the growth in the annual debt and the increase over the last 4 years, you are going to have to explain that rather then throw out some random denial, please explain, I am waiting...
@ iioftx

I'm still better off from 4 years ago, overall, thanks to regular pay increases at the firm (plus generous bonuses, something I didn't have in my previous career). Only long-term debt is our mortgage (I pay my VISA off in full each month, we paid for our last 2 vehicles with cash), plus a few more annual payments on the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan for our daughter. (We only have one child because health issues prevented us from having another). We don't live lavishly, but we're better off than a lot of people.
there will always be people who do well or even great in the worst of times. Read the posts from the ones who are dpoing bette and see that they took control of their own lives to make things better.

Just looking at the increase in numbers of people getting government assistance you can see 'Most' people are not better off in the way the people who said they are better off mean.
But I fear those people ( including the spike in food stamps given out. 47 Million!) think getting something they think is free is a good thing and don't want to see that go away.

consider the main sectors of the average person's economic life. Are those sectors better?"

Employment: the number of people employed is down, the number of people under employed is up and the number of unemployed is too high to show any meaningful promise.

Housing: since more people than ever owned or pretended to own homes when the market collapsed more people are hurt by the continued fall in home prices and with the number of forclosuares up and expected to go even higher those people are still hurting.
yes there will be some who will benefit by being able to buy a home while sprices are down. that number does not offset the millions who are hurt.

Cost to live: some Dem wrote in a letter to the editor that if you took out the cost of gas and food the cost of living was down from years past. I think that says it all.

The huge increase in the number of people getting wath they think is free money from the gov't doesn't help them or the taxpayers. Why does BO offer 75 million to states who sign MORE people up for food stamps? There are 47 million getting it now.

I won't even go into our deficit and debt.
The reality is most people are not better off. Dems will make the argument that it would have been worse.
and they will pretend to believe that.
I'm much better off. My portfolio was in the shitter when Obama took office.

As far as the rest:

Unemployment? The same
Racial Unity? Better. I'm less prejudiced than I was in 2008.
Income taxes ? Better off, but then I'm middle class.
National Security? I'm better off with Osama Bin Laden dead.
Government waste? The same
Government transparency? The same
Interest Rates? No change
gallon of gas? Better off: my Nissan Leaf doesn't use any.
healthcare costs? The same
Wars? Definitely better off. We were in two when he took office. Now we're only in one.
Trust in government? The same: I had none then and I have none now.
Durable goods orders had their worst month in 3 years. March was off 4.2 %. Feb was revised down to a +1.9 and Jan was off, 2 of first 3 months down.
compunding this is that inventories levels have risen for 27 consecutive months
I don't understand all the complexities but it seems to me that with inventories so high and demand for goods is down That means manufacturing etc will not be needed
which means new hiring in those areas will not happen and that will affect all other businesses.
The Link
Bevo Incognito, your last post is why everyone knows your nose is up BHO ***. When your called out is when you will say something negative about BHO. Plus you just said Unemployment is the same? WTF??????? Obama got a stimilus package that he promosed would not allow unemployment to go over 8% when it's never been under 8% since the stimilus. How can America pony up that much money and we still be over 8% and you claim it's even with when he took office? Even you said yourself that you could do what Reagan did with his spend. Obama will end up spending $5 trillion more in 4 years than Reagan did in 8 and unemployment has never been under 8%. I stopped reading the rest of your list after the first one.
Guys, rates are lower than they were 4 years ago, using any measure. Prime has dropped from 5% to 3.25%. Mortgage rates have fallen substantially. Do you guys not keep up with basic business?

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