Are you better off now?


Sponsor Deputy
As we approach the 2012 election, are you better off now than you/we were 4 years ago?

Unemployment? No
Racial Unity? No
Income taxes ? No
National Security? Not sure
Government waste? No
Government transparency? no
Interest Rates? No change
gallon of gas? No
healthcare costs? No
Wars? Maybe
Trust in government? No

I am sure someone can point to where I am statistically wrong, but I do not think the perception of most Americans can be overcome for Obama.
Unemployment? No
Racial Unity? Mixed bag
Income taxes? The rates are the same, but the payroll tax is lower, so my overall tax burden is less.
National Security? Yes. Bin Laden is gone. That's a net benefit no matter how you slice it.
Government waste? Worse.
Government transparency? About the same.
Interest Rates? No change
gallon of gas? Worse
healthcare costs? Worse.
Wars? Better off.
Trust in government? I've never had more than zero trust in government, and it's not possible to go below zero, so that's a wash.

In reply to:

My salary has not increased once in 4 years, and my commissions have shrunk, the business environment has been getting tougher and tougher every year.

Personally, I have not seen any forward movement in my personal life. Every other year going back to 1993, I have seen growth and increases in salary and/or commission earnings and have never seen such a difficult economic market.

Mr. Deez, you are paying the Payroll tax at the end of the year when you square up with the government on April 15th. The payroll tax is your holding, it has little to do with your what you owe the government at the end of the year. I may be wrong, you probably get a refund every year.
I make substantially more money than I did 4 years ago. 75%-85% more. I would never put myself in a position where my career/compensation was predicated on any decision the Adminstration makes. I've always contended that the market and the economy is largely independent of the POTUS.

Also, gasoline is cheaper, slightly, that it was 4 years ago currently. And interest rates are lower. Life is much better, frankly, b/c we've taken our medicine with the stock market and the economy is in much better shape.

If you think Obama deserves any credit for any of that, you're smoking crack.
well now if you are making so much more then you need to spread it around a lot more. Thise people who are not making as much as you somehow contributed to your success, or something.

I agree with you on most of it but gas prices here are higher at this time than they were april 08.

I am not sure OBL dead is a big deal beyond the emotional aspect. I am glad he is gone but he was no longer in a command position . Yes Bo pulled the trigger, baased on years of intel including waterboarding.
I see that, OBL dead< as a neutral point
Average cost of gas was $2.80 per gallon in 2007. Cannot see how in the world anyone thinks it is cheaper right now.

My income was lower this year, but my taxes across the board were higher.
Both my wife and I are half commission and we can feel the hit on the commission side of our salary. Really scary if we have to try to hold up 4 more years at this rate.
Consider that the R's inherited a country of relative peace and prosperity (with a budget surplus, no less) in 2000, and promptly turned that into a wild spending orgy. Taxes on the rich were slashed, a Keystone Cops-style invasion of Iraq was undertaken under trumped up pretenses and twisted logic that there was a connection to Sept 11 (nevermind that 13 of 15 hijackers were Saudis), and on the eve of the 2004 election, a gigantic tax-dollar giveaway was tendered to the big pharmaceutical companies, and this was sold to the blue hairs as a positive thing for them.

Gone were those cries for balanced budget amendments and campaign finance reform -- the Republican anthems from 1992-2000.

Instead, we got the terror-'o-meter ("It's orange! ORANGE! Dear God in heaven, SAVE US! ONLY THE REPUBLICANS CAN SAVE US, SO VOTE FOR THEM!" And then after the '04 election we never saw the ******* thing again.

We also got an administration that took the global sympathy that the world felt for America after 9-11 and in a few short years, turned us into the worldwide poster child for human rights abuse. Our president, vice president, and AG all publicly endorsed torture. That may not be important to you, but the rest of the free world was pretty aghast as the self-proclaimed world leaders of freedom and justice immediately abandoned those principals, and did so shamelessly.

Yeah, I know. The hardcore R's -- those 23% who thought W was doing a swell job in 2008 -- they don't care about things like human rights abuses, global allies, or the moral problems created by holding prisoners for a decade on no formal charges. But some of us do.

The consequences of having leaders who behaved like they were randomly picked for their roles from a NASCAR event include a runaway deficit and a war in Iraq that continues to hemorrhage roughly a third of a billion dollars a day... and yes, I fault Obama for not ending it already (I also fault him for not moving us toward closing Guantanamo, and yes, his Nobel Peace Prize was a ******* joke).

My point here is that it's gonna take balls the size of watermelons for the R's to play the "compare yourself to 4 years ago" card. But hey, whatever it takes, right? As long as it's your team's clown car parked at the Capitol and on Pennsylvania Ave.

And all of that doesn't even mention the R's constantly hotter-and-heavier french kiss with the religious lunatics who want to embrace faith over science, and legislate their version of "God's" teaching -- all while failing to see the parallels with the theocracies around the globe whom they denounce.

Seriously, going back to 1980, we've got 32 years of data points that pretty unanimously suggest that the R's aren't fiscally conservative, they aren't in favor of small government (quite the opposite), and they aren't good stewards of the economy. How many more data points do some of you need?

And, FYI, I'm on record on this board numerous times saying Obama is the second-worst president of my lifetime.

Seen enough? Vote 3rd party.
Who said if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it. sure enough some people still believe there was a surplus.
there was NO surplus,
Peace? tell that to the men killed on the Cole and in the US embassies and of course the first world trade center bombing.
i remember clinton apologizing for not taking out OBL and allowing him to organize.
It only seemed like peace to some.
Personally, I'm much better off now than in 2000. My base salary as a paralegal working in public finance law(we are general counsel/bond counsel for a number of municipal utility districts in the Houston area) has nearly doubled since 1999, and I have overtime out the wazoo on top of that. My gross salary puts me well into the top 20% income group.

With interest rates for municipal bonds being at historic lows, many of our MUD clients are selling Refunding Bonds on maturities for bonds sold during the last 20 years and are realizing net savings of $100,000 to $500,000.

On the down side, the rates we are being charged for health insurance have skyrocketed (very much at a steady rate over the last 12 years; our firm is fighting the increases tooth and nail and has managed to talk the insurers down from some of the proposed rate hikes.)

Horn89 does a great job of listening to the Evening Network News and memorizing the talking points. Never mind to go out and do any fact checking or research on your own.

Just keep listening to those talking points, sooner or later you will have them all memorized, you won't have to read them off your card.
So it's not good enough for you that I think that both sides suck, huh? Anyone who doesn't fully support your team gets a snide remark?

Sorry the truth puts an uncomfortable wrinkle in your Republican cheerleader panties.
Just another fact to your talking points.

Talking Points are in no way facts, man are you that brain washed? Talking Points are the brief version of what someone is discussing or point they are trying to make. In not definition in any dictionary are they ever factual, they could be but are not necesarily true.

I don't give a dam who you disperage, but when you just ramble the same garbage the evening news does every night for 8 years and then you try to pass it off as fact, when in fact most of it is just blatant ********, you are going to get called on it. Almost everything you have listed has been proven to be false time and time again.

I love how liberals new tact is to claim to be an independent of not attached to either party, yet the only rhetoric they spew is the liberal ******** that has been drilled into their heads.

How sad that someone who claims to be a Longhorn spews the same ignorant rants over and over again.
I am much better off, but then again I am in the Oil & Gas sector. Obama's ****** energy policies have been gold for me!
I'm much, much better off.

My salary almost doubled.

I refinanced my home to 3.25% from 5.23%.

I've reduced my credit card debt by 2/3.

So yeah, I'm much better off.
The Tax Withholding amount went down, in another words the government allowed you to have more money up front. You still paid the same amount in Federal Income Taxes. Technically, your SS tax went up a little, the more the Fed allows you to have in your paycheck the more you will pay later.

Your Tax Withholding discount that Obama set up for you did nothing for your Federal Taxes, your SS Tax it gave you a little boost in Income and they took more for SS, not much but they did take more. To think you are paying less is completely false, unless of course you have other deductions that you did not use before.
2001 Bush and Split Senate and Republican House -$133B
2002 Bush and Demo Senate and Republican House -$421B
2003 Bush and Split Senate Republican House -$555B
2004 Bush and Republican Congress -$596B
2005 Bush and Republican Congress -$553B
2006 Bush and Republican Congress -$574B
2007 Bush and Democratic Congress -$501B
2008 Bush and Democratic Congress -$1.017TRILLION
2009 Obama and Democratic Congress -$1.885TRILLION
2010 Obama and Democratic Congress -$1.652TRILLION
2011 Obama and Democratic Senate and Republican House -$1.228TRILLION

This really is a no brain situation, While the Republicans didn't exactly have it together, there was alot of defense and Homeland Security that was being paid for in the 2000's. Why did the Democrats double that and triple that? At least the House Republicans have shrunk the year to year debt 25% last year.

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