not sure if this goes in Quack's or West Mall.
With all the financial troubles and debt crisis matters at hand, it makes me wonder ... are we overpopulated, as a nation AND as a planet?
With unemployment at 9%+, there aren't enough jobs to go around. Were the days of 4-5% unemployment a time of fake prosperity? Do we have too many people draining government services such as unempoyment, medicare, social security, etc?
Do we simply have too many mouths to feed? Did we pass some limit at some point where the number of people simply passed the abilty to support those people, both financially, and environmentally? Are we past a level of sustainability?
We've started bioengineering crops with GMO's (genetically modified organisms), and we've increased the ability to grow livestock via hormones to meet increased demand and to keep costs low ... are we contributing to cancer cases this way?
In a ripple effect, we're outsourcing jobs and manufacturing to other countries in order to maintain cheap parts and products, to satisfy the public. As a country, we've become a nation of services rather than manufacturing, sitting on a throne of fake, paper money that spins round and round at the stock markets.
Are there just too many people? Have we bought into some mindset that our families need to be ginormous to be content? Does it go back to not being satisfied with just a manageable amount? I see news reports of people having anywhere from 8 kids to tv shows with 19 kids??
Do people really expect us being able to sustain current levels of population growth?
As a father, I look at my son and think that I couldn't imagine devoting my attention to more than 2 or 3 children, let alone 5, 6 or more. I feel quality over quantity here as far as attention giving goes.
So ... are we suffering from excess population? Is education the answer? Abstinence programs?
Have we lost a sense of quality, over quantity, in so many facets of our lives?
With all the financial troubles and debt crisis matters at hand, it makes me wonder ... are we overpopulated, as a nation AND as a planet?
With unemployment at 9%+, there aren't enough jobs to go around. Were the days of 4-5% unemployment a time of fake prosperity? Do we have too many people draining government services such as unempoyment, medicare, social security, etc?
Do we simply have too many mouths to feed? Did we pass some limit at some point where the number of people simply passed the abilty to support those people, both financially, and environmentally? Are we past a level of sustainability?
We've started bioengineering crops with GMO's (genetically modified organisms), and we've increased the ability to grow livestock via hormones to meet increased demand and to keep costs low ... are we contributing to cancer cases this way?
In a ripple effect, we're outsourcing jobs and manufacturing to other countries in order to maintain cheap parts and products, to satisfy the public. As a country, we've become a nation of services rather than manufacturing, sitting on a throne of fake, paper money that spins round and round at the stock markets.
Are there just too many people? Have we bought into some mindset that our families need to be ginormous to be content? Does it go back to not being satisfied with just a manageable amount? I see news reports of people having anywhere from 8 kids to tv shows with 19 kids??
Do people really expect us being able to sustain current levels of population growth?
As a father, I look at my son and think that I couldn't imagine devoting my attention to more than 2 or 3 children, let alone 5, 6 or more. I feel quality over quantity here as far as attention giving goes.
So ... are we suffering from excess population? Is education the answer? Abstinence programs?
Have we lost a sense of quality, over quantity, in so many facets of our lives?