Are they still building that Wal Mart at northcros

I'm thinking about buying a condo around there. That area is perfect for me. Short commute to work, but right in the middle of everything.

Mixed emotions about the Wal Mart though. I like to support local businesses, but I have to watch my pocket book.
Once again, if it raises property values, why would anyone *****?

Of course the question might be if it really does raise property values.
Great analogy. A XXX Video Store and Wal Mart are the same thing.

There are two landfills near my house pushing for major expansion near my house and we can't beg for coverage. But, put the world's most popular retailer in mighty whitey's neighborhood and it's front page news for six months straight.
I don't know how busy it will be. The people south and west of allandale are reasonably similar. The people in the lamar 183 area likely already have their own wal mart to go to (the one on 35 which, when I went was pretty dead).
i don't need to re-read it. the original answer is still on point. but to expand on it, a succesful center with stores like the ones across the street such as zinger's, houston's, conan's, the bead store, etc. would not draw thousands of low income shoppers from outlying areas, or multiple 18 wheelers at 2 am
A successful mall would draw thousands of shoppers; that's what malls do. What difference does it make on the traffic situation what their income level is?

A successful mall would be serviced by 18-wheelers; that's how goods get to stores. Again, what difference does it make on the traffic situation the name of the business these trucks are servicing?
I've drive down Anderson lane from Mopac and turn south onto Burnet between 6 and 6:30 every Wednesday. There's never any congestion there.
Man, one of the condos I'm looking at is right next to the back of northcross (btw, what an awful looking mall). 18 wheelers at 2 am is not my idea of a restful night.
1) Northcross Mall isn't really much of a mall in today's terms. It is a large plot of land that had a handful to stores connected by a large hall. Lets not pretend it draws a lot of traffic today.

2) The residents in that area should have been more pro-active, but let's be real. How many of us are actively checking on the zoning status of properties around us? To some degree, you hope your tax dollars and representatives in the city government are looking out for your best interests.

3) Not only does WalMart want to build a store... but they want to build the largest store under one roof in Austin city limits. Bigger than any Lowes or any Home Depot. That is a damn big store.

4) Further, they want to make that store 24/7 even though this was in a heavy residential area.

5) It will create heavy 18 wheeler traffic on Mopac in the city. How many of y'all are looking forward to that?

If I lived in that area, I would be completely pissed off. We're not talking about the suburbs. We're talking about North Central Austin. What if Walmart decided to build a huge store in SoCo?

What Wal-Mart is doing is legal. It is however unethical.
Are 18-wheelers ALLOWED on MoPac? I suppose I've seen the random moving truck, but other than that, I don't recall much else. I thought I heard years ago that large trucks were disallowed on MoPac. Maybe that was just billboards . . .
If it was going to be a Macys, or even a Super Target, the neighborhood wouldnt be going apeshit like they are. It's because it's a WALMART. It's all about class distinctions.