Are the celebrations 'vulgar'?

Tut tut, Shark. Unabashed vulgarity! Forsooth!

Like I said, we've all been guilty of it at one time or another. I should have added that it often happens without regret.

I think the vulgarity here is generally harmless and I'm not sure Prodigal would disagree with me. I would have preferred a more subdued public display, but I'm not losing any sleep over what happened.
Dang those kids and frat douche bags. They should not be happy and display their happiness. They are not allowed to be patriotic because they are not "legitimately" celebrating. They should be forced to be unhappy like me.

In all seriousness, people should spend more time worrying about their own lives and not what other people are doing, especially when it does not affect them in any way shape or form. People who did not celebrate, I did not care that you did not celebrate. I still do not care. Why do you care if I was celebrating?
Any other display other than a mild joyous reaction provides sub-human terrorists legitimacy. I'm glad he's dead. I'm happier I got a new piece of business today.
First off, we're Americans. Vulgarity is our right.

Second, although I realize that no man is an island, and the loss of any one person diminishes us all, I really can't find it in me to sympathize with OBL, nor any of his family. I've tried, and I keep finding myself think, "F 'em."

Third, congrats to President Obama (long time posters recognize me as a self-avowed right wing reactionary, but I can sure take pride in this).

Fourth, I am pleased that President Obama chose this course. He exposed the myth of the fierce muhajadeen as the fantasy it is. OBL's rep as a badass was based on two things- his willingness to slaughter unarmed civilians, and his ability to avoid the US military. He only had one encounter with the US military, and it lasted about 2.4 seconds- 2 seconds of cowering behind a woman, and .4 seconds of being shot.

Of course, those were Navy Seals. If he had encountered a couple of Warrant Officers, he would have lasted...20 seconds?

I'm really hoping his "burial at sea" consisted of opening the back of a C-130 over the Atlantic, and heaving him out. Oh, his family would like his body for a proper burial? They can get in line behind about 3,000 American families.
a bit cringeworthy but people react in different ways.

No way to stop people from doing it.

I was reminded a bit of the Palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11 although I don't see the moral equivalence.
When my wife told me, I immediately thought of 9/11 and what I saw that day. When I heard he was found in a compound near a Pakistani military academy, I was struck by all the brave men and women - and innocents - who have died because of this religious fundamentalist and the 1000's who have protected him through the years. I thought of the political turmoil in this country - ironically from debates over "rogue states" to enhanced interrogation to Cheney's death squads (who delivered the kill shots to Osama). I thought of candidate Obama's pledge to hit al Qaeda in Pakistan. I thought of Gitmo and how we are not taking prisoners these days in the same numbers.

We won this war a long time ago. The rebuilding of afghanistan and Iraq have been the tough nuts to crack.

I am proud of those in the line of fire all over the world. I am proud of those who planned this misson and carried it out - (even after a damn helo pilot lost his toy because he probably screwing around with his iPod).
. I am glad the son of a ***** is dead,

But it feels a lot like finding Saddam in that rathole. The damage has been done. I am glad he's dead, but nothing will ever bring back the thousands who were killed.

FYI: My use of the term 'fratboy douchebag' is not to imply that the act of celebrating the death of Bin Laden is itself a douchey act - as I said they are right to celebrate without judgment from the cry me a river crowd. No, fratboys tend to be douchebags by nature. I mean that in the most loving possible way.
are they vulgar? Yes. Do i give a furk? Why should I? Will it makes islamafacists hate us less if we are not vulgar? Nope.
I think the celebration is completely inappropriate and wrong, but I understand it on one level. still...this is God's heart and I want to join in with it as I am able:

In reply to:

It is called HUMAN NATURE.

People reacted differently to this news.


A person who successfully led a movement to kill us (Americans) is dead. We are safer.

Here is my response to my children and my grandchildren being a little safer in life:


HINT: That was your cue to IRRELEVANTLY stereotype my response.
It was vulgar and inappropriate as the young are frequently vulgar and inappropriate. I'm pleased to see that there are a number of people that can recognize that. there is a reason that youth and immaturity are sometimes used interchangeably - they tend to go together. Doesn't mean I'm judging those that celebrated as anything other than immature and vulgar.

There is a difference between being glad that a monster is no longer on the loose and celebrating the death of another human being (and I am using that term loosely). As those people mature, most of them will come to understand that difference. Others will remain immature.
One less monster is walking the earth. Young or old, it is more than appropriate to celebrate and celebrate enthusiastically.

If anything, it is inappropriate NOT to celebrate this.

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