AOC wants 70% tax on wealthy

Is the teacher white?
This is disgraceful.

None of the teachers (and I mean more than a couple) that make these types of comments are white. My daughter says its all day Trump bashing too however some of those teachers are white. There's an overall culture issue in this school with teachers spewing their nonsense instead of just teaching what they are paid to teach.
An actual quote from the Very Serious People who wrote this:

“We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years,” the backers explain in an outline, “because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast, but we think we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, plant lots of trees and restore our ecosystem to get to net-zero.”

Sounds like 2 of the most serious people I've heard of Stalin and Mao.
What we are seeing is a generation who was spoon fed liberal propaganda in the classroom since childhood. Liberals figured out that they cannot win an argument with an intelligent adult so their best bet is to indoctrinate children and young adults. Furthermore, they silence any dissenting voices by painting conservatives as hateful, intolerant, racist, sexist. There is a reason why leftists oppose school choice with every fiber in their being. It would threaten the foundation of their indoctrination machine. It really was a brilliant and transparent strategy. It angers me that conservatives allowed it and continue to allow it.

I'ts school, but it is at least as much comedians on TV. The young voters of today spent their high school college days during the Obama years watching SNL, John Stewart's Daily Show, and Colbert. These guys made it "cool" to be a communist and hypocritical to be a Conservative.
That teacher needs to be told to keep her ******** politics to herself and do her job. If she won't, she sound get fired.

If a teacher of mine had said that, I would have said, "I'm not sure what you mean, but I am sure I need to urinate. Should I go to the bathroom, or should I do it here. And if in here, should I use the bucket or the carpet?"
Deez, I'm pretty sure you would invoke your white privilege and demand that she hold it for you whilst you wizzed.
Hopefully all of the Dems jump on board the electric socialist airplane. I thought there was no way Trump would get two terms, but these idiots might be guaranteeing it.
To support your argument my daughter asked to go to the bathroom and her teacher replied, "Why did you even ask, you have white privilege so do what you want.". That's just one of many examples of comments and remarks that happen weekly. She's afraid to say anything because it will be held against her. We complained to the principal and nothing happened. All the comments are intertwined with the lessons and discussion.

This absolutely makes me sick. That teacher should be removed and barred from teaching ever again and that's not hyperbole from me. It's an attempt to bully a child and is a display of emotional impairment to the degree that is intolerable in the classroom. It's just sick.
None of the teachers (and I mean more than a couple) that make these types of comments are white. My daughter says its all day Trump bashing too however some of those teachers are white. There's an overall culture issue in this school with teachers spewing their nonsense instead of just teaching what they are paid to teach.

People should complain about it to the principal, school board, state legislature, etc., and if a kid has this crap on video, it needs to be make public.
Didn't see any discussion on Andrew Cuomo's complaining about Trump raising taxes on high-income folks by capping SALT tax deductions. The richer NY citizens have been fleeing for other states with lower state taxes - shocker. Who would have thought liberals would be against taxing the rich.

Opinion | Andrew Cuomo’s Tax Epiphany

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was on the road to Albany when a light flashed before him. Lo, said a voice from the light, progressive taxes are driving out high earners and damaging the state budget.

Some miracle like that must have happened because on Monday Mr. Cuomo awakened from his first eight years as Governor and according to the Buffalo News declared, “Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. We did that. God forbid the rich leave.”

Mr. Cuomo delivered this testimony from the Book of Tax Revelation while announcing Monday that New York state’s income tax revenue over the last two months was $2.3 billion below projections. “That’s as serious as a heart attack,” he said.

Mr. Cuomo blamed in particular the 2017 federal tax reform, which limited the deductibility of state and local taxes to $10,000. “It literally restructured the economy to help red states at the cost of blue states,” he groused. “It was a diabolical, political maneuver.”

He would know about tax sadism. New York City’s combined state and local top rate of 12.7% hits taxpayers earning more than $1 million and is the second highest in the country after California. The deduction limit raised New York’s top rate by an effective 5%, though this was partially offset by the tax reform’s 2.6 percentage-point reduction in the federal top rate.

The reality is that rates on wealthy New Yorkers rose more during the Obama years due to the 3.8% Medicare surcharge on investment income and expiration of the Bush tax cuts for high earners. But Mr. Cuomo is right that tax reform has made New York less economically competitive by fully exposing high earners to its progressive taxes.

The top 1% of New York taxpayers pay 46% of state income taxes. Revenues vacillate with capital gains—a problem that is compounded in New York because bonuses in the finance industry are often tied to trading revenue. Markets were especially volatile during the last quarter amid uncertainty about trade and interest rates.

Some New York taxpayers moved income forward to 2017 to take advantage of the uncapped state-and-local deduction, which boosted revenue last year. Politicians naturally spent that windfall. But non-wage income-tax revenue over the last two months were still $1.2 billion below 2016 levels.

The bigger problem seems to be geographic tax arbitrage. Mr. Cuomo notes in a PowerPoint presentation that “anecdotal evidence suggests that high income taxpayers are considering changing their residence and that financial industry firms are looking at real estate outside of New York.” While the Governor blames the GOP tax reform, high earners have been decamping for years, as E.J. McMahon of the Empire Center has chronicled.

According to IRS data we’ve examined, New York state lost $8.4 billion in income to other states in 2016 (the latest available data), up from $4.6 billion annually on average during the prior four years. Florida raked in the most New York wealth. Mr. Cuomo says that “a taxpayer in Florida would see no increase, or a decrease” under the GOP tax reform and “Florida also has no estate tax.” New York’s 16% estate tax hits assets over $10.1 million.

During his 2010 campaign, Mr. Cuomo promised to let New York’s tax surcharge on millionaires expire. But he has extended it again and again and now wants to renew it through 2024 because he says the state needs the money. Meantime, he warns that a wealth exodus could force spending cuts for education and higher taxes on middle-income earners.

All of this was inevitable, as we and others warned. Yet rather than propose to make the state’s tax burden more competitive, Mr. Cuomo rages against a tax reform that has helped the overall U.S. economy, even in New York. Perhaps now that he’s found Art Laffer on the road to Albany, he’ll think anew.
I'ts school, but it is at least as much comedians on TV. The young voters of today spent their high school college days during the Obama years watching SNL, John Stewart's Daily Show, and Colbert. These guys made it "cool" to be a communist and hypocritical to be a Conservative.

Yeah, I hear those young people love watching libtard things like M*A*S*H, MTM, and All In the Family. Next thing you know, women will want to produce shows!

Honestly, when was it ever "cool" in mainstream media or entertainment to be conservative? That one time Nixon appeared on Laugh-In? Maybe in regional sections with Hee-Haw or something.
That’s why I have my grandkids watching old black and white westerns, gun smoke and the like. They enjoy them, but they do roll the eyes at my 60s music, especially the older and mid teens. Oh well.
Green New Deal: Unserious Fantasy, Dangerous Worldview | National Review

I'm starting to think that the GND is basically the result of a generation of people raised on The Simpsons with insufficient understanding or curiosity to understand that what they were watching doesn't actually happen - that nuclear power isn't a bunch of leaky glowing oil drums, and that evil corporations aren't actually allowed to just dump sewage and trash in the water with impunity, forcing the taxpayers to pay for all of it.

An actual quote from the Very Serious People who wrote this:

“We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years,” the backers explain in an outline, “because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast, but we think we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, plant lots of trees and restore our ecosystem to get to net-zero.”

Nancy Pelosi actually said one of the most insightful things about it. “The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it, right?”

Everybody is jumping on board with it, but there's no legislation or even a summary of legislation. There's just a disorganized wish list with no plan for getting there.

But frankly, I don't blame AOC for not offering more than that. Nobody is requiring her to do so. They're just jumping on board with whatever she says, and of course our disgrace of a media is cheering it on rather than scrutinizing it.
Not sure what the top rate should be.
I am.

zero income tax. zero corporate tax. Stop playing the shell game.

market forces on the govt's budget ... and watch regulation become PROPER.

Tariffs and sales tax should be the Fed's revenue ... and the sales tax should be capped at 10%
I am.

zero income tax. zero corporate tax. Stop playing the shell game.

market forces on the govt's budget ... and watch regulation become PROPER.

Tariffs and sales tax should be the Fed's revenue ... and the sales tax should be capped at 10%
We can't quite lower the sales tax to 10% at first, but we could get there over time.
If I read the data correctly ... 19.5 trillion was the GDP in 2017 ... and it's only increased since then.

that's almost 2 trillion for the Fed just in sales taxes alone. never mind righteous tariffs. Imports were about 2.5 trillion in 2017.

so even if we use 10% (which is lowball for most tariffs) ... over 2 trillion for the Fed's revenue.

A 50% cut in spending is VERY doable if we'd demonstrate the discipline to adhere to our own Constitution.

And the thing is ... if we'd do that ... the GDP would skyrocket beyond even what Trump has ignited ... which would equal MORE sales tax ... and more international trade ... equal more tariff money for the Fed.

OK ... I've now reached my ballistic apex. Time to fall back to earth. Tax the billionaires ... which means anyone earning more than 50K/year ... because they'll eventually become immoral billionaires, so the government is actually saving us from ourselves.

Now ... that's better. SMH
People should complain about it to the principal, school board, state legislature, etc., and if a kid has this crap on video, it needs to be make public.

I love the idea, but if a phone is visible during class time it is confiscated. Now I'm wondering if the administration set this culture up without really knowing what they are doing. I'll ask my daughter if she can get away with getting a video of something like this. If she does, I'll post it here first. Trust me, I bet it goes viral and drives site traffic through the roof. :smile1:
Pelosi seems annoyed with all the attention that AOC has been getting. I see a civil war brewing in the Dem party. The militant socialist movement within the party has been the greatest Christmas present that Trump could have ever asked for. He has been the luckiest President in history in terms of having incompetent enemies.

Another great Opinion piece from the WSJ on this:

Opinion | The Socialist That Could
My 2 cents is that her 'New Green Deal' reads like something from the mind of a child.

"Free education, jobs for everyone regardless of talent or effort, and 100% renewable energy all within 10 years."

I believe her proposed "social solutions" are known as "pre-analytic cognitive acts" in academia. In other words, it's bull____ that won't stand up to analytic scrutiny.

First, she spews such drivel because she has benefitted from such drivel (elected by fools).

Why shouldn't we be forced to adopt the musings of a 29 year old bartender with no business or military experience who clearly knows the the systemic, complex economic and legal social processes better than the combined historical experience of millions of people that have adapted to uncertainty and fragmented knowledge of the marketplace.

By God, if AOC prefers a "solution" to a "problem", we better agree with her. Just ignore the fact that the incremental cost of adopting her solutions is thousands of times more that the costs inherent in the current system. It is only important that SHE PREFERS IT. She is now "the government", and we better get on board or she will take your freedoms away until you succumb to her vast knowledge and greatness.
"I have to oppose Amazon in New York City because we don't have room for all those trees."

The militant socialist movement within the party has been the greatest Christmas present that Trump could have ever asked for.
UTChE96, you hit that one right on the screws. If the Dems congeal around the far left wackos in their party, they will alienate most of the Independents (who are basically centrists) and drive them to either (a) vote for Trump or (b) stay home for the election. Either way, it's good news for Trump.

And there might be a bonus - the House might shift back toward the right if the electorate realizes that the far-left nutjobs don't belong in Congress. IMO, the word "socialist" scares most Americans - and the GOP will make maximum use of that in the campaign.
Attacking AOC on factual errors or lies might not gain much traction due to the general belief that all politicians lie. She's just another one but the difference is that her populist fervor is effective. I would instead study her core beliefs and high-light those that clearly do not square with a sovereign nation.

I'd start with this one:

"But she vowed Thursday to defund ICE completely and claimed Latinos should be exempt from criminal proceedings and immigration laws because they are descended from Mesoamerican cultures that preceded the United States.

'We are standing on native land,' she claimed, speaking just outside the U.S. Capitol. 'And Latino people are descendants of native people. And we cannot be told, and criminalized, simply because for our identity or our status. Period."

That is anarchy and the language is clear; every Latino south of the Rio Grande is eligible to come and live in the US. It is clear that she will use her power to take our money to pay these people.

As an aside, from the same news conference:

"Fellow congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of the first two Muslims elected to Congress, quoted Somali poet Warsan Shire in explaining why migrants trek 2,500 miles from Central America to the United States.

'No one leaves for the mouth of the shark, unless the mouth of the shark is safer than home,' Omar recited."

So Trump was correct in describing some countries as sh*t-holes. That's the thing with these extremists; their emotional state is so profound they do not attempt to reconcile yesterdays pronouncements with today's. They are describing Mexico and Honduras as being worse than the mouth of a shark (the US). Yet, we cannot describe those countries in any terms except that of respect. I had this discussion with a superior officer here at work and he said, "We can't have the President talking like that." And in one swift motion he dismissed the conversation.

What is going on here?

@Seattle Husker - The traction being gained by the extremists is alarming. You've downplayed them as being fringe elements with no real power. AOC has power and has other representatives lining up behind her. They are on a religious mission. It's obvious.
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