AOC wants 70% tax on wealthy

But knowing her philosophy do you really think she wants the 43% who pay nothing now to pay 10-15%?

I totally agree with you nearly everyone should pay something for all the reasons you listed

Ocasio-Cortez Accuses Math Of Sexism
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I think she's claiming she's being held to a higher standard than her male counterparts that make bold claims. Anyone remember when Trump claimed he could build the wall for $4B? How many of y'all checked his math on that claim?
Did you click on the link? Lol, if you didn't, maybe you should...
I think she's claiming she's being held to a higher standard than her male counterparts that make bold claims. Anyone remember when Trump claimed he could build the wall for $4B? How many of y'all checked his math on that claim?

The Left checked his math.

Do you think she is being attacked more by the right than Trump is by the left?

I didn't check Trump's math but I thought $4-5 billion seemed low. It was just a gut feeling.

But I will say this; her comment makes me sick. She is not the future; she is more the same. Whining, complaining, accusing, pointing fingers, judging and trying to stifle dissent by intimidating people with the misogyny card.

I feel it was the same with Obama. He was attacked over Obamacare and many people wanted to call it racism. But it was clear it was very serious and a huge change. Of course it would stir the pot. What did anyone expect? Open arms?
I didn't check Trump's math but I thought $4-5 billion seemed low. It was just a gut feeling.

I didn't check his math either, but I suspected that he was not exponentially off in that estimate. And I had an expectation that government projects always cost more than they should.

People check AOC's math because it isn't just inaccurate. It's completely fictional.
The Left checked his math.

Do you think she is being attacked more by the right than Trump is by the left?

I didn't check Trump's math but I thought $4-5 billion seemed low. It was just a gut feeling.

But I will say this; her comment makes me sick. She is not the future; she is more the same. Whining, complaining, accusing, pointing fingers, judging and trying to stifle dissent by intimidating people with the misogyny card.

I feel it was the same with Obama. He was attacked over Obamacare and many people wanted to call it racism. But it was clear it was very serious and a huge change. Of course it would stir the pot. What did anyone expect? Open arms?

It was a satire article. AOC didn't actually tweet that.
AOC weaseled her way on to the Financial Services committee, which, by the way, will be chaired by Maxine Waters!!!! Holy Hell, I'm glad I'm not in the banking industry.

I will say this about the banking industry. When I moved to Dallas in 1982 my employer was a director of Sunbelt Savings. He rightfully sensed problems in how they were being run (by Ed McBirney who I personally met several times) and was bought out. Later Sunbelt failed along with other S&L's such as Vernon Savings. That was the go go era of Dallas real estate. Appraisals based upon contracts (not sales) submitted by the employees of the bankd. Trading a "dead cow for a dead horse," meaning S&L's would swap non-performing loans and book them as if they were new. Wasteful spending on elaborate parties (I went to one at Las Colinas; it was packed with people and Ben Vereen was the entertainment; this hosted by an S&L). The failures were massive leading to the establishment of the RTC. After having seen all of that I am in favor of strong regulation and enforcement over the banking industry. I'll never forget what happened.
Instead of fools running S&Ls they are now running the Financial Service Committee for the Feds. I would love to give them a basic test of finance to check their capabilities. I do remember Maxine railing against the firm “Solomon Barney Frank” once. What a joke. Thank God The Rs control the Senate and White House.
Instead of fools running S&Ls they are now running the Financial Service Committee for the Feds. I would love to give them a basic test of finance to check their capabilities. I do remember Maxine railing against the firm “Solomon Barney Frank” once. What a joke. Thank God The Rs control the Senate and White House.

Fools = egomania. Ed McBirney was one of those young wonderkinds back in the day. He was not Michael Dell but while in college he was supposedly leasing small refrigerators to college students for their dorms. He was a very aggressive. He bought the S&L for a song and was running it at a very young age. But as my old boss told me once, "The weakness of an egomaniac is that they think nobody can figure their scheme out."

I saw him once down in South Padre Island drunk as Cooter Brown walking around the condo (the Suntide III) carrying a bottle of Dom Perignon that was halfway to the label. He'd flown in on the company jet. Fast Ed McBirney.

Now isn't it true though the Obama Administration did not pursue high-profile criminal charges against Wall Street executives? I wonder what Maxine and AOC think about that.
AOC weaseled her way on to the Financial Services committee, which, by the way, will be chaired by Maxine Waters!!!! Holy Hell, I'm glad I'm not in the banking industry.

I don't have a problem with the committee being tough on financial industries. They have their hands in the taxpayers' pockets. I do have a problem with having a committee of idiots grandstanding against financial industries for political gain. I was no Barney Frank fan, but he wasn't a mindless dolt.
Hopefully the crap can be flushed and anything useful will get out of the House.
I would like to be more optimistic since some things need to be done.
I don't have a problem with the committee being tough on financial industries. They have their hands in the taxpayers' pockets. I do have a problem with having a committee of idiots grandstanding against financial industries for political gain. I was no Barney Frank fan, but he wasn't a mindless dolt.

Do you feel that Frank had a hand in the sub-prime collapse?
Do you feel that Frank had a hand in the sub-prime collapse?

I think he was part of the problem, but it was much bigger than he was. One gay dude with a male prostitution ring in his house isn't enough to cause that much calamity. Depraved and screwed up incentives imposed by government (which existed long before Frank ran the financial services committee) are.
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Anyone filed their taxes yet? IF so, are you getting a refund or did you owe? Also, if you are getting a refund will it be more or less than last year?

I'm curious as I have spent the last year studying the TCJA and want to know how taxpayers fared.
I’m going to owe. Dunno how much yet but certain my loss (or limit) on deductions will cost me. I usually could get a small refund.
Bad news for banks and the rest of us. Banks regulations favor much of the bad behavior that hurts the public. They socialize losses while concentrating gains. What we need is more market consequences for banks not less. Government committees always act like they are going to be tough on industry for the benefit of the people. History should wipe that thought clear out of our minds. Government people want money and jobs after their term is up. Banks are willing to cooperate as long as regulations shield them from risk and competition.

I bet AOC will be great at anti-industry rhetoric while pocketing that cash.
If you are interested to understand what effects there are from regulation. In the banking industry the "increased price" comes from low interest rates and the inside track to be the first receiver of discounted loans.

The Myth of Natural Monopoly | Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Good stuff. I’ve brought up similar thoughts on this board in the past, but it seems that law schools, regardless of empirical evidence to the contrary, have textbooks stating that monopolies exist without the help of government. Therefore, let the ignorance continue under guise of “antitrust law”.

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