AOC wants 70% tax on wealthy

AOC certainly is adept at attention whoring, isn't she?....

Tensions are high
(and the obligatory- "Can you imagine the reaction if it were a Republican saying these things and sending out this image? Oh my)
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Now AOC suggests doing away with not just ICE, but the entire Dept. of Home Land Security. Couple that with her desire for totally open borders and reduced military budgets and it seems like a pretty frightening scenario to me, especially in a time of heighten tensions around the world.
Cortez is a conquistador and now she admits it. This Cortez wants to put our economy into the hands of the State.

We really need to call her something else other than AOC. It is too catchy and trendy. Just like I won't call Bobby O'Rourke, Beto. These kinds of things may seem small but they feed into their popularity.

I suggest calling her Cortez or Conquistador. Something either bland or derogatory.
Now AOC suggests doing away with not just ICE, but the entire Dept. of Home Land Security. Couple that with her desire for totally open borders and reduced military budgets and it seems like a pretty frightening scenario to me, especially in a time of heighten tensions around the world.

This seems like it was inevitable
"Disarray: House Democrats slam AOC chief of staff as party infighting heats up"

"The divide between Democratic leaders in the House and the most liberal members of their party deepened on Friday night when the Democratic caucus sharply criticized the chief of staff for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter.

Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, criticized Democratic Rep. Sharice Davids of Kansas in a late June tweet, implying that she was perpetuating racism through her actions in Congress.

Late on Friday, the official Twitter account of House Democrats condemned Chakrabarti's tweet. "Who is this guy and why is he explicitly singling out a Native American woman of color? Her name is Congresswoman Davids, not Sharice. She is a phenomenal new member who flipped a red seat blue. Keep Her Name Out Of Your Mouth," the tweet said.

Michael Hardaway, a spokesman for House Democratic Caucus chairman Hakeem Jeffries, confirmed the tweet was intentional....."

Disarray: House Democrats slam AOC chief of staff as party infighting heats up
it is amazing how liberalism and hypocrisy have become synonymous
When I was young, "liberal" was a great way to describe someone - back then it meant they were well-read, had an open mind, and could discuss any issue.

Today we have this instead --

AOC -- "Having a seat in Congress is not about individual glory"




it is amazing how liberalism and hypocrisy have become synonymous
When I was young, "liberal" was a great way to describe someone - back then it meant they were well-read, had an open mind, and could discuss any issue.

Today we have this instead --

AOC -- "Having a seat in Congress is not about individual glory"





And the glorification and idolization of AOC and her "Squad" by supposedly mainstream and unbiased news outlets is nauseating.
Socialists are always popular for some reason. But then they ruin everything and cause people to die. But they still remain popular somehow. Not sure how that works.
Calling a person a racist is just another form of bullying - an attempt to destroy a person by demean,isolate, disempower.
Why are these people being promoted by the media into a giant Billion dollar pr campaign?
It's an attempted soft coup.
Calling a person a racist is just another form of bullying - an attempt to destroy a person by demean,isolate, disempower.
Why are these people being promoted by the media into a giant Billion dollar pr campaign?
It's an attempted soft coup.

I think the rest of the country is, fortunately enough, slowly waking to the tactics of the woke.

At some point, if everything is racist (a place we must be close to by now), then nothing is racist.

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I think the Social Justice movement is using corporations to subvert capitalism. in fact, Gillette who started Gillette Razors wrote more than 100 years ago that socialism would come through large corporations. They would grow and form monopolies and consolidate. He was very interested in promoting social justice and thought corporations needed to lead the society towards it.
The Conquistador didn't resign. That is another example of "The Limited Hangout".

It isn't that Conquistador is corrupt, it is that those that worked for her are.
Why did they resign? I thought her COS had mega bucks and was her handler.
It has been suggested he will be more active when he is not as visible.
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Doesn’t surprise me the CBC was a part of this. The Squad’s crazy **** was scaring off black voters.
Doesn’t surprise me the CBC was a part of this. The Squad’s crazy **** was scaring off black voters.

This is true, and it sorta exposes what the Justice Democrats (and the squad) are about. They clothe themselves in their wokeness, but their ideological heroes are guys like Bernie and of course, Karl Marx. Well, those guys largely dismissed the importance of things like race because they fostered division and took focus off of socialism and its economic goals. Well, race and exploiting race for political gain is what the CBC is all about. They don't particularly care about policy. It's not surprising that the two groups would clash.

In addition, people frame the Squad and its clash with Trump on racial terms because that's easier to exploit. However, the Squad is driven to a great extent by whites. Remember, they made the difference for AOC, and Ilhan Omar and Ayannah Pressley don't have particularly black districts. In fact, Omar's district is pretty white and slightly wealthier than average. They are more about pajama boy in his parents' basement than about black and Hispanic voters, and their policy agenda largely confirms that.
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An article about forced exit of "the brain behind AOR"

" .... Saikat Chakrabarti, was the chief of staff and also managed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s upstart 2018 campaign. He is leaving office after a series of controversies, and high profile fights with other democrats in the house of representatives.
* * *
Chakrabarti has also been at the center of legal controversy. In April, he and Ocasio-Cortez were named in a Federal Election Commission complaint accusing them of overseeing a “shadowy web” of political action committees (PACs) that allowed them to raise more cash than they could have legally. The complaint also alleged that a limited liability company (LLC) was created to avoid federal expenditure requirements by offering Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic candidates political consulting services at a price so low that the company apparently shut down before the election was even over.

The complaint centers on Brand New Congress LLC, a now-defunct company owned by Chakrabarti that aimed to recruit up to 400 left-wing candidates for national office. Dan Backer, the conservative attorney behind the complaint, said Brand New Congress LLC was guilty of providing campaign contributions known as “in-kind” expenditures by only charging candidates for a portion of the total cost of the service. Essentially, Backer claimed the company operated at a loss to provide its approved candidates with campaign services on the cheap.

Backer said Chakrabarti “was on all sides of the scheme.” He owned Brand New Congress LLC, sat on the board of the Justice Democrats PAC and co-founded the Brand New Congress PAC — all while serving as Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign manager."

Saikat Chakrabarti, The Brain Behind Ocasio-Cortez To Leave Office

This guy was, of course, brought up back in March in here --
AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies. AOC and her Chief of Staff have been reported to the FEC for investigation

"It appears Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her associates ran an off-the-books operation to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, thus violating the foundation of all campaign finance laws"

Obligatory -- But she's a Democrat so nothing will happen
AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

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