Anybody see this - Baker is accurate

Intentional, right? I say jerk.
It certainly appears so. OU fans are saying that it was because TCU came out around the OU warm up area. If so, isn’t that something?

Back in the day payback would be on the field. But today’s politically correct choirboys just shrug it off. And fans and commentators find it amusing.
maybe tcu was douchey. maybe it's funny to do something like this. in this day and age though, an intentional blow to the head has to be considered excessive douchiness. douches all around!
i going to go way out on a limb here and suggest that Mayfield work on developing his manners and ability to empathize.
Yes and you wish he had been a part of this team
I would never want an ******* like that leading this team.
I think Ellingher has just as much "IT" factor and has 200% more class and maturity.
We will see if he can develop into as good a QB.
I would take Shane over that asshat.
Yep, I predict mayfield' trajectory is not going to be great from here. Good for him that he can be a little punkass brat kid and everything still goes his way. Let's see how being a punkass brat adult who never suffered consequences works out for him. Funny thing about being an adult is people are less forgiving and consequences more severe.
I'd want Johnny before this guy. I don't think I'd want this guy. Seriously, plnting. a flag in the field is one thing. Hitting a guy in the head with a ball and grabbing his crotch from across the field and telling the opponents to F off...he looks out of control.
I hope the lure of the dark side lessens. Baker at least apologizes after each episode of douchebaggery ... but the little jerk has never faced any consequences that have been made public. This puts Lincoln Riley in a difficult situation. Will he forever have to accept what he describes as "unacceptable" behavior because in his first year Baker got away with behaviors incredibly embarrassing to the program and the University?
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