Anthony Wheeler Ejection


250+ Posts
Will Anthony have to sit out the first half of the Maryland game next year?

He seemed to play with a lot more physicality than did Malik.
Saw the play and replays - hard to argue the penalty. Agree the rule is first 1/2 of next game he sits - in this case opener next season.
Led with the hands, hit him in the chest. Crew in the booth should have overturned the call like they did for Navy in almost identical play. Coaches all over NCAA are wanting them to modify, clarify, or get rid of the targeting rule altogether. Way to often they miss this call either calling it when not warranted or worse, failing to call it when it obviously is warranted. That one was bad but doesn't raise my blood pressure like the call against Brecklin Hager earlier in the season against West Virginia.
Led with the hands, hit him in the chest. Crew in the booth should have overturned the call like they did for Navy in almost identical play.

Here it is again. Production crew must have only had two working cameras all night.

That one was bad but doesn't raise my blood pressure like the call against Brecklin Hager earlier in the season against West Virginia.

And here's Hager's bogus call....

Man I did not see it that way at all. He led with his HANDS. That is not targeting. I am not even sure their helmets touched.
There was NO helmet to helmet contact. It was a violent hit and I would argue not on a defenseless receiver. It was not above the shoulder pads either.
BS call by a bunch snowflake refs who were agitated with TH celebrating. Which I LOVED!