Another Trans school shooter (arrested)

Semi related. So much for true intent of Title 9
Biden et al will withhold Fed funds from any school that denies transgenders from participating in sports as the gender they " identify" as.
Mr D
Are you saying the sudden upswing in transgender wannabes is due to mental illness?
But but but what about all the Docs at the increasing number of "gender affirmin clinics" who say children have the right to take harmful meds or get body mutilating?
What about Biden et al who said trans kids have the right to fight back?
Donchya know that the trans wouldn't have to kill if everyone would accept them for what they say they are??
Some of my observations from the 1980s--

The boys who were rather "girly", and not very masculine, would not pretend to be girls, or try to "transition" into being a girl. Rather, they would often be like this:

- very stylish
- sometimes with outlandish styles
- sometime wear make-up, but not in a classic girlish way; more like David Bowie or the guys in Duran Duran or something
- hang out mostly with girls and other similar guys, forming their own clique
- listen to the cutting edge bands before most people had even heard of them
- a subset of girls (mostly the real stylish/cutting edge types) would absolutely love these guys; the ones that weren't gay could get as much p%$$y as they could take
- not antagonize the "Jocks", and definitely not antagonize the "Kickers"
- sometimes even befriend a "Kicker" or two who smoked grass.
- often had a certain level of "popularity" with some (but not all) of the student body

They just weren't the type to shoot up the school or do anything violent.
Mirror that for the 60’s but with some more animosity from a few of the less self secure males. I remember a buddy of mine making the statement “I just wanna bust him in the face” about a guy we said was ‘light in the loafers’. He would never do it but made it clear about his feelings. The “he would never do it” is what in my opinion makes for human decency vs the crap we deal with today.
My post was meant to point out the insanity of the whole gender affirming crap
That even the few spewing can't in their minds believe but are sure willing to take money for "counseling" and cutting up.
67, the whole thing is so insane to me that I lose what tiny bit of reasoning my brain might possess when I allow myself to even think about it.
The murder was live streaming his killing. Chilling
Has it been released whether he killed himself or the police shot him?
I guess it is possible his parents or friends saw no clues.
I also guess that bank did not have an armed guard?
I guess it is possible his parents or friends saw no clues.
I also guess that bank did not have an armed guard?
I read 2 officers were shot. Not clear if they were stationed in the bank or were shot entering the bank. I think the former.
Apparently he bought the weapon legally
How can we ever find a way to identify people who can legally buy but shouldn't
All these shootings will strengthen the gun control people
"Tran" is a common Vietnamese name. Unfortunately, it must really suck to bear that surname these days...

Now, if only a "Mr. Tran" owned a gun store and firing range here in Texas: "Tran's Gun Store and Shooting Range."

He was getting frustrated at his other business: "Tran's Night Club." "Why do all these weirdos keep coming into my bar! I can't tell who qualifies for the Lady's Night discount!", the poor guy exclaimed...


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The parents have apologized. Said like many of his contemporaries he was dealing with mental health issues. WTF does that mean? If he was under a doc's care for mental health care how did he buy a gun?
I am guessing his parents didn't read his social media.
Did the parents say they lost their child due to the woke mob? If so, that would be a good start.

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