Another act of Christian terrorism...

I guess we see different things when we look at her cabin.

You myopic types, looking through your little microscopes, see a Cross (is it?) and an opponent to the Imperialism of Obama. But you folks are blinded by your preconceptions, gilded by reading too much Salon Online.

First, whoever posted this photo obviously picked out one from the ugliest time of year. That was not just mean but done with a jaundiced eye, one towards projecting bias. Imagine instead this forest in lush Spring growth, or full of Autumn foliage. This was a woman in touch with her own Mother Earthly femininity. She was in pursuit of that progressive wetdream of a David Thoreau style Neo-Socialist Walden. Under different circumstances, you guys would be arguing her likeness should be on one side of a Bitcoin.

This modern day Lisa Douglas was also obviously a model of admirable sustainability. I cannot help but be suspicious of why you left this detail out of your story. You claim to see a Cross, but you dont mention the lack of electricity lines. Come on man! She is fightin the good fight against the warmin. And what about the hemp-stained color scheme? I bet she even composted her own outhouse product into fertilizer for her potatoes, just like Neo-Communist Matt Damon did on Mars. Isnt this the literal liberal Hokey Pokey? How you want us all to live? It's what it's all about.

I guess we see different things when we look at her cabin.

You myopic types, looking through your little microscopes, see a Cross (is it?) and an opponent to the Imperialism of Obama. But you folks are blinded by your preconceptions, gilded by reading too much Salon Online.

First, whoever posted this photo obviously picked out one from the ugliest time of year. That was not just mean but done with a jaundiced eye, one towards projecting bias. Imagine instead this forest in lush Spring growth, or full of Autumn foliage. This was a woman in touch with her own Mother Earthly femininity. She was in pursuit of that progressive wetdream of a David Thoreau style Neo-Socialist Walden. Under different circumstances, you guys would be arguing her likeness should be on one side of a Bitcoin.

This modern day Lisa Douglas was also obviously a model of admirable sustainability. I cannot help but be suspicious of why you left this detail out of your story. You claim to see a Cross, but you dont mention the lack of electricity lines. Come on man! She is fightin the good fight against the warmin. And what about the hemp-stained color scheme? I bet she even composted her own outhouse product into fertilizer for her potatoes, just like Neo-Communist Matt Damon did on Mars. Isnt this the literal liberal Hokey Pokey? How you want us all to live? It's what it's all about.


Thanks for the levity. What do you think the price per square foot was to rent that "cottage"?
I've wondered if Deer wasn't the useful idiot for a leftist operative's objective to run interference for Cecile Richards and her PP.

Get the discussion away from being a target to being a victim ... and simultaneously make their fav target resume the position of "in the cross hairs;" Christian right wing.
Same folks



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Think Progress once again has no problem calling someone a Christian Terrorist, but an Islamic terrorist cannot exist because terrorists are not truly Muslims.

Aside from the obvious inexplicable hatred specifically labeled at Christians - maybe because Muslims have the advantage of being identified more closely with race, which makes them an oppressed minority. Maybe because Think Progress finds it more objectionable for someone to preach to them (or in some cases just try to live a life that indicates that they don't approve of a worldly lifestyle) than to threaten to kill them. I don't really know. But regardless, this idiocy just has to stop.

There is a fundamental difference between the concept of a "Islamic terrorist" and a "Christian terrorist." Nowhere that anyone can document is a Christian minister or teacher publicly advocating the murder of innocent people. Nowhere. You can talk about "implication" and "hate speech" and "trigger words" all you want, but the bottom line is that in every corner of Christianity, the concept of killing innocents is condemned. When someone does act in that direction - which by the way, is EXTREMELY rare - it is done at odds with clear and plain Bible teaching. There is no debate within leadership of the Christian community about whether it's OK to kill innocent people in the name of your religious zeal. Zero.

Deny it all we want, but that is not the case with Islam - particularly in other parts of the world. The two ideologies cannot be seen as parallel. When an Islamic extremist commits an act like this, he is in fact acting on direct statements by Islamic clerics that call for the killing of innocent non-Muslims (and in some cases, moderate Muslims as well). This is beyond debate. It is fact. Does that mean all Muslims approve of it? Of course not! But we can't just keep having discussions and passing legislation where we argue that we cannot simply assume that if a Muslim is communicating with a cleric or organization known for promoting violence, that person is an immediate threat. And we can't keep shushing people and calling them islamophobes for having legitimate concerns.

It blows me away - I read today a post talking about how low the odds are that you will ever be killed by an Islamic terrorist. So the logic is "look... it's almost sure that it's not going to happen to you personally, so why worry about it?"
I have no doubt there are people who consider themselves "muslim" because of culture association, but do not practice what islam teaches/mohammed modeled. There are a great number of ex-muslims who've run away from that false doctrine ... and how courageous.

not only does the Bible NOT teach those violent acts ... Christ's model was perfection. That Christians fail to speak, think, act like Christ only validates the grace of HIS; and underscores our own need.
This is all part of the liberal war on Christians, police officers and white males. The intolerance of liberals is sickening.

This guy was simply insane. Nothing he did follows the teachings of Christ. However, the liberal narrative of Christianity stereotypes all Christians as bad while it stereotypes all Muslims as "peaceful." Baffling.
The way Christian speech gets intertwined with right wing politics is a little offputting to those of us who are Christians but not right wingers. Some Republicans believe (or at least say they believe) that Jesus would do concealed carry so he could be in position to protect the innocent. Also while the New Testament preaches non-violence, I read the Old Testament and find a God who isn't overly troubled by human carnage and instructed genocide when his chosen people created their nation after the Exodus. (Since he seen Billions of deaths of human mortal bodies, I think God correctly assesses that relationship with Him is vastly more important than the things that worry most human.)
Who are these " Christians" you say think Jesus would allow CCL? Are they random people you have seen on blogs? Have any of these " Christians" you know called for killing?

To the bible, Yes think of how the New Testament is so different from the Old. Remember the peaceful exhortations and messages in the New versus the Old. Think of why you call yourself a CHRISTian. See any importance?
Then do even a brief study of the koran. Notice the violence and calling for killing any non muslim comes at the later part of the koran.

Muslims are always using a part of the koran that says killing one is like killing all BUT they leave out the middle part which adds in killing non believers in A OK.

Regarding the San Bernadino jihadists I think the muslim concept of taqiyya ( sp?) explains why the murderers keep getting called peaceful parents and how everyone is surprised. How many others are practicing that muslim tenet?
Did the mother really not know? uh yea right.

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