And the city with the worst teeth in America is...

Hey, at least they have SOME teefus. There are peoples in other states that don't have no teefus.
It's funny, because I always think of Lubbock as being more civilized than College Station, Waco, or anywhere in East Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma or Louisiana.

To get technical, I think it probably derives from the fact that Lubbock's water supply comes mostly from the Ogalalla Aquifer, which is chock-full of minerals and other things that probably aren't the best for people's teeth. I love the people in the panhandle, but their water tastes like ***.

Lubbock and El's the sand in the water table.


I resemble that remark regarding East Texas !
But hey, I couldn't help but laugh. Yes, I'm in Texarkana.

It's interesting that you noted your hatred of arky. In NE Texas, you learn to hate arky at an early age. The hatred for arkie is far deeper than any for OU or aggy --in general.

But the feelings run deep because we live with their hatred and jealousy of Texas every day. They hate the state, and they esp hate the Univ of Texas. If you're a Texas fan growing up in NE Texas, you're not taught to hate the pigs-- you develop it as a self defense.

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