An aggy introduced a Bill to force us to play aggy

Well, both fight songs were prescient...

"Texas fight, Texas fight, and it's goodbye to a and m."

"Goodbye to Texas University, so long to the orange and the white."
Don't forget in the early 80's it was Texas flurting with the idea of moving to the SEC instead of Arkansas. SEC blew their first round of conference realignment. They were looking at moving both Texas and either FSU or Miami into the SEC. But evidently it was U of Florida that stopped the other florida schools from getting an offer and it was the Aggsy legislature that squashed Texas from leaving the SWC without them.

This is why the SEC settled for Arkansas and South Carolina.

Aggsy are the most self serving group ever, never play them again. This message needs to be loud and clear to CDC.
If the conference is not going to have Bedlam on Thanksgiving weekend (which they should go back to) I would rather see us play Oklahoma aggy on Thanksgiving weekend. Typically a good game and more appeal than Baylor or TCU nationally. Sand aggy game should be played around Halloween as it used to be.
I'm going to Blaspheme,

I would like to see Texas play blOwU on Turkey day. Then we can move a big boy into the Cotton bowl as a non-conference game. Has to be someone we hate (not aggsy). Maybe Bama, or Notre Dame, I'd also say USC

My vote would probably go to Arkansas. The history and the hatred are already there. And if need be, we can dangle that carrot at the aggsy. They have always been jealous of not being our #1 rival.
I would like to see Texas play blOwU on Turkey day. Then we can move a big boy into the Cotton bowl as a non-conference game. Has to be someone we hate (not aggsy). Maybe Bama, or Notre Dame, I'd also say USC

My vote: No.

My vote would probably go to Arkansas. The history and the hatred are already there. And if need be, we can dangle that carrot at the aggsy. They have always been jealous of not being our #1 rival.

My vote: No.
Austin Bill,

Not to be argumentative, but I know the plans of the 80s, and they NEVER included Texas moving to the SEC. The plan was to ship A&M to the SEC while we went temporarily out West. Plan included Tech going to WAC (now MWC). Plan was for PAC to take Colorado, but PAC wanted Utah for basketball, and had no interest in CU or any other "broke dick school". (Yes, that is a quote.)

As for Florida, they blocked FSU coming into the SEC largely because UF wanted into the ACC. Remember the Gators NEVER won the SEC until Spurrier took over.
Austin Bill,

Not to be argumentative, but I know the plans of the 80s, and they NEVER included Texas moving to the SEC. The plan was to ship A&M to the SEC while we went temporarily out West. Plan included Tech going to WAC (now MWC). Plan was for PAC to take Colorado, but PAC wanted Utah for basketball, and had no interest in CU or any other "broke dick school". (Yes, that is a quote.)

As for Florida, they blocked FSU coming into the SEC largely because UF wanted into the ACC. Remember the Gators NEVER won the SEC until Spurrier took over.
What the hell does "out west temporarily mean"? FSU was an independent in the 80's and couldn't have blocked Florida from joining the ACC. Why did the ACC deny UF entry?
Why did the ACC deny UF entry?

Academics, which of course UF has since done a magnificent job of improving moving into Tier 1, and often ranking ahead of us.

Swofford has since soiled the ACC blue blood academics with the addition of FSU, VT, Pitt, and of course that academic giant Loserville.

The "temporary" was until the new SWC was created, which would have included 28% of America's televisions, but a larger percentage of sports watching televisions.
Austin Bill,

Not to be argumentative, but I know the plans of the 80s, and they NEVER included Texas moving to the SEC. The plan was to ship A&M to the SEC while we went temporarily out West. Plan included Tech going to WAC (now MWC). Plan was for PAC to take Colorado, but PAC wanted Utah for basketball, and had no interest in CU or any other "broke dick school". (Yes, that is a quote.)

As for Florida, they blocked FSU coming into the SEC largely because UF wanted into the ACC. Remember the Gators NEVER won the SEC until Spurrier took over.

I'm calling selective memory on this one.

1. MWC didn't exist in the late 80's early 90's. Remember back then Penn State, Miami, FSU, Virgina Tech, South Carolina were all Independent just like Notre Dame.

2. Texas was approached by SEC along with FSU/Miami, the idea was to increase the TV contract by increasing the footprint

3. The SWC was on life support, more than half the conference was on probation and SMU was being investigated

I can't comment on the motives of Texas and where they wanted to go, but the SEC didn't want the Aggsy and they did want Texas and it was the Aggsy legislative puppets that prevented Texas from going anywhere.

It's well known also that Florida wanted to keep all other Florida schools out of the conference so they created a PACT with Georgia, Kentucky, and LSU that they would vote as a unit to keep any school out from any of their respective state from being admitted into the conference.

What started out as being a play to get into Texas and Florida, turned out to taking Arkansas and South Carolina.
Texas officials never wanted to go to the SEC. We hated the cheating going on in the SWC at the time, and weren't about to dial it up to 11 in that den of thieves. Part of it as well was that Dodds and the president at the time (forget his name) didn't like the academic fit with the SEC.
MWC didn't exist in the late 80's early 90's

I was referring to the WAC morphing into what is now the MWC.

No selective memory other than a face to face with the architect of what would eventually become a new SWC, which is what I called it for lack of a name at that time. Stanford & Washington killed that deal, which again would have had some 28% of the TVs in America. That is why the PAC is so difficult to deal with now. Do they want Texas? ABSOLUTELY! Do they fear Texas? INCREDIBLY!

As a member of the Florida Foundation and member of the alumni association, I assure you that while you are correct about them keeping FSU out, they also tried for years to get into the ACC for the same reasons you stated Texas would not consider their offers.

Swofford regrets not taking UF and getting stuck with FSU and the convicts with no fan base outside the crack houses, trailer parks, & tattoo parlors of Dade & Broward Counties.


Have seen over the years, including in your post above, reference to "tv sets" in consideration of sports planning. Example, I live now in San Antonio, which is always considered a "low" number of tv sets compared to other 1 million+ cities that have surrounding metropolitan areas that can double, triple, or more the "highway sign" city population.

But, my question is, do the serious analysts go further than just "tv sets" or do those numbers adjust raw population to people who actually watch, say, college football with a passion on Saturdays in the Fall?

I'd bet the average San Antonian is much more likely to watch, even games not involving Texas teams, college games, compared to perhaps the average Californian.

Any idea on this?

P.S., the state of New York is probably a better example of a very populous state, with NYC being massive in body numbers, but come November, what, do like 17 people in Manhattan watch any college football?

P.S.S., and w/r/t advertisers, which is what that's all about, don't think Miller or Bud or Chevrolet ads in New York would do as well as in Texas, Florida, etc.
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It's the old adage that "figures don't lie, but liars do figure".c

Classic example is the BigTen. Delany really screwed the networks on the old contract. The monies paid out were directly proportionate to the TV sets in the "trade market". Before contract expired, Delany grabbed two worthless schools - Rutgers and Maryland. Them claimed all the TV sets in NYC and Baltimore/DC. Do people in the NYC care about Rutgers? 98% don't know there is a Rutgers, but Delany got credit for all those TVs. People in DC don't give a damn about UMd, but Delany got credit for all those TVs. Brilliant financial move by Delany.

Swofford saw what Delany was doing and rushed out to grab Syr-excuse with no following, Pitt with no following, ND Lite with no following, and Loserville with all of its embarrassments.

Delany improved payout for BigTen, Swofford diluted payout for ACC.

The game plays out in negotiation, with both sides knowing the answer to your question and using the set of numbers most beneficial to them. So yes, they know that SA is a viable market because people there watch sports on TV.

Nebraska is another case in point - lots of TVs in the state, with each household having multiple sets, but home games discount that number by 250-400,000 because they are in Lincoln for game.

I'm sure Delany has a "Bill James" under contract to manipulate those numbers.
Unless we play them in a bowl game, I never want to play those jackbooted, booger eaters again. As for the family Turkey day festivities, there are 2 courses of actions:
1. Shunt them like a Quaker.
2. Patronize them. “Yeah, I wish were still playing A&M. I haven’t been keeping up with A&M (for some unknown reason, they now do not want to be called A&M-so use it) did you beat Bama this year?” “I think we barely won the last game we played against A&M. I seem to remember it was a great game, no matter who won.”