I'm kind of making the same point, and kind of a different one. "We" didn't pursue genocide against anyone--at least no one living that I know, or even a generation or two or five going back. The set of people who are now Americans, we have not done anything like that (except for whoever may be here that did so in other countries and then immigrated here.)Not really so tame. We truly pursued genocide vs the Native Americans. "The only good indian is a dead indian" is not a phrase originated in Hollywood.
I strongly resist that one American can, now in 2025, point at another one and say, "we pursued genocide against Native Americans." I do not accept that criminal charge.
I expect that some of the men we put in combat around the world over the years (who are still living) learned to be killers, and not necessarily always honorably.
Otherwise, though, the "we" who are in America right now are very naive and ignorant of what it actually looks like for a civil war to break out and neighbor rise up against neighbor on a massive bloody unstoppable scale, throwing in military violence on top of that. We play pretty with a word like "insurrection" like it's a refereed boxing match. Instead, think Rwanda, Cambodia, etc., just in my lifetime. We really have no idea.
That's why I accuse us of being tame, but my very point was, not to be misled: we are capable of all the things these other countries have done. We shouldn't let our guard down.