I wonder at statements like this, " All were acutely aware that their work as healthcare providers had marked them as targets for Israel. " Proof?
We should all keep a level of skepticism about whatever we read, so this statement is appropriate. I also think that statement is hard to prove, but I have read reports that many foreign healthcare providers have been killed. I think there was a general fear about this that could have colored their views, but still based on their experience.
And this " A ceasefire must be imposed on the warring parties by withholding military support for Israel and supporting an international arms embargo on Israel and all Palestinian armed groups."
Does anyone really think Hamas Iran or Hezbollah would abide by an international arms embargo?
It may be a difficult thing to do, but I think this is the only way out. If something like this isn't attempted there will be a general war in the region and Americans will die there. A good first step is to cut off all funding from the US to Israel. We are broke anyway. It makes Israel more judicious in what they are doing. Right now, they can basically do whatever they want and they know the US will support them and give them more weapons. A thousand or so US troops just left to go to Israel. That is worst case for me.
As bad as Hamas is they aren't an existential threat to Israel. That has been demonstrated over the last year. Israel should continue to prosecute Hamas for crimes against their people but do so in a much different manner. This will also keep other Muslim groups out.
Hezbollah has launched rockets in Israel, just like Israel has done to them. The timing seems to show that Hezbollah's attacks were in response to the bombings of Gaza, not a part of a bigger effort to conquer Israel. Part of the latest bombing was also in response to Israel killing Nasrallah. Say what you want, he was their guy even though he was evil.
Iran does have the ability to harm Israel even conquer them. But they have never attacked directly. It is always through proxies. This doesn't mean they are good. But it does mean that they are being very careful about how they respond. They are actually following a proportional approach. Even the latest missile attack killed 0 civilians and targeted the military. At least that is something I read. Maybe it was wrong.
The main point is that Israel's continued destruction of Gaza is motivating these Muslim groups to launch missile attacks. If Israel would act more proportionally, show some restraint, mot of their problems are solved. Instead we have idiots like Lindsey Graham calling for war against Iran and continued escalation. It's sick.