I read it, and it is.
It discusses how academics and left wing crackpots view Israel as an example of settler colonialism to be destroyed. They also don't view settler colonialism as a historical event but as a system that remains in place and continues to displace indigenous people. In other words, if you're a white person born in the US in 1980, you're as much of a settler as someone who sailed from Europe in the 1600s and murdered Native Americans to take the land.
The author points out that this makes the modern left more radical than anti-colonial movements of post-WWII, which largely were seeking national sovereignty from foreign rulers with no connection to the land other than conquest. It means that "settler" is a permanent and inheritable mark of guilt, much like "bourgeois" is in Marxist nations, and it warrants expelling millions of people from the places of their birth.
For example, it would mean my family getting kicked out of Texas and California and returned to Wales (left in the 1600s) or Sicily (left in the 1900s) or more likely being killed. In fact, they view violence as not only justified but redemptive and therapeutic. That's why they celebrated the killing of Jews and happily tear down posters of kidnapped children.
He also points out the irony that while anti-colonialism frames itself as a progressive ideology, it is echoing the same relationship of a race of people to land as the Nazis did. It is a "blood and soil" mentality. It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.
What I find a bit amusing is that Hamas and the crackpot academics view Muslims as the only indigenous people to modern day Israel when Islam didn't even exist as a religion until the 7th century. Obviously Jewish ties to that land go back much further. I also find it amusing that they view Muslims as victims of settler colonialism when it's a religion that has spread throughout the world almost entirely through the violent conquest of marauding savages butchering people in Africa and Asia under the direction of various caliphates. Hell, if we followed the logic of the anti-colonialists, there'd basically be no Muslims outside of Mecca and Medina.