America supports our good ally Israel!

Not really so tame. We truly pursued genocide vs the Native Americans. "The only good indian is a dead indian" is not a phrase originated in Hollywood.
I'm kind of making the same point, and kind of a different one. "We" didn't pursue genocide against anyone--at least no one living that I know, or even a generation or two or five going back. The set of people who are now Americans, we have not done anything like that (except for whoever may be here that did so in other countries and then immigrated here.)
I strongly resist that one American can, now in 2025, point at another one and say, "we pursued genocide against Native Americans." I do not accept that criminal charge.
I expect that some of the men we put in combat around the world over the years (who are still living) learned to be killers, and not necessarily always honorably.
Otherwise, though, the "we" who are in America right now are very naive and ignorant of what it actually looks like for a civil war to break out and neighbor rise up against neighbor on a massive bloody unstoppable scale, throwing in military violence on top of that. We play pretty with a word like "insurrection" like it's a refereed boxing match. Instead, think Rwanda, Cambodia, etc., just in my lifetime. We really have no idea.
That's why I accuse us of being tame, but my very point was, not to be misled: we are capable of all the things these other countries have done. We shouldn't let our guard down.
Not really so tame. We truly pursued genocide vs the Native Americans. "The only good indian is a dead indian" is not a phrase originated in Hollywood.

nash, I think you would agree that their is a national mythology that doesn't align perfectly with reality.

We can all be proud Americans and love our country, and at the same time acknowledge bad things that Americans did in history.

Talking about Indians, the vast majority died due to disease. It wasn't from Anglos going out and killing them. There was killing on both sides, have you heard me say that before ?, then eventually the more populous and prosperous group pushed the other off of land. The US government could have, should have managed that better, and compensated the people for their land. Now today American Indian people can live anywhere in the US and go to school, get jobs, raise families with out discrimination. Some choose to stay in the reservation for cultural reasons.
Some choose to stay in the reservation for cultural reasons.

I've spent quite a bit of time around the southwest (New Mexico, Arizona and Utah to be more specific) over the past few years. I've had a real curiosity about why the tribes still live like they do and culture is the real deal. There are many older Natives who still distrust the American government so much they will not even learn English and demand that the younger generations not speak of anything that goes on at the reservation to outsiders. Many will not allow any Healthcare to be provided unless it is from a native doctor and many times white doctors are not allowed to practice on the reservations so there is a massive shortage. I'm not sure if there is a good solution to get them out of the mess they are in except for time and a lot of trust building.
time and a lot of trust building.
Well I suppose a comparison could be the feelings still present in many areas of the deep South. With Native Americans, most certainly those tribes to which you refer, have abundant issues in their history with the white man that will require many generations of honesty to overcome the mistrust.
What did victorious tribes do for the survivors of tribes they vanquished and destroyed?

There's nothing fiscal that America can do to fix things. There is zero motivation to change anything, although social media might actually be opening the younger generations eyes to the rest of the world outside the reservation. The break is so big no amount of money and freebies will fix it, it has to come from within. The reservations are a sad place to drive through, I saw a billboard on a resevation road with an image of a pill that said "Never use without a friend with narcan". I was stunned.
I see it as very relevant. The issue is how the government treated those we vanquished
Maybe at the time the government thought it was doing what was necessary and helpful

It didn't turn them into slaves or torture them for amusement rape or disfigure the women.
It was a new concept,to create programs and policies for people we vanquished
It is very relevant to point the differences between what the government did versus what prior people here did to those they vanquished
nash of course there was. And brutalities too. But that doesn't negate what the gov't tried to do which no other conquering people had ever done. Ham handed stupid ineffectual full of fraud as many of the policies turned out to be.
Imo we shouldn't look at what they tried to do back then through "now eyes".

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